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As to this last especially, it has this advantage, its being susceptible at pleasure, of every modification, of being carried from the gentlest degree of motion, up to that of the most violent activity.

I am not the only one who has noticed something I only mention it, you know. Sidwell mused gravely. In a minute or two she looked up and said in her gentlest voice: 'Thank you, mother. I will be more careful. Perhaps she had lost sight of prudence, forgetting that Mr. Walsh could not divine her thoughts.

Contrast sudden and funny. "Don't be so sad, sir," she murmured, cooing like the gentlest of doves. "I can't bear to see you look like that." Alfred looked up, and met her full with his mournful honest eyes. "Ah, Hannah, how can I be anything but sad, imprisoned here, sane amongst the mad?" "Well, and so am I, sir; so is Mrs. Archbold herself."

Women are not so much taken by beauty as men are, but prefer those men who show them the most attention. Would you engage the lovely fair? With gentlest manners treat her; With tender looks and graceful air, In softest accents greet her. Verse were but vain, the Muses fail, Without the Graces' aid; The God of Verse could not prevail To stop the flying maid.

Moreover, a boatload which had come to their rescue from North Shields was also storm-stayed, twenty guests in all, so that the housewifely powers of Grace and her mother were taxed to the utmost. It is told of this admirable girl that she was the tenderest and gentlest of nurses and hostesses, as she was certainly one of the most singularly courageous of women.

She had a long tail, which had never been cut, and such a deal of hair in her mane and over her eyes that it gave her quite a fierce countenance. In fact, among the mild and tame Devonshire beasts, the little Shetland pony looked almost like a wild animal. But in reality she was the gentlest creature in the world.

There was something about Maud Bruce to remind one of that horrible myth, even now, now at her gentlest and softest, while she clung round a sorrowing father, by the death-bed of one, whom, in their different ways, both had very dearly loved. It was well that the young lady preserved her presence of mind, for Bruce seemed incapable of connected thought or action.

Knowles at the same time took an opportunity of letting him know 'that the amiable young creature was sorry at finding that he was offended at her leaving the Church of England and embracing a simpler faith; and, in the gentlest and most persuasive manner, solicited his kind indulgence for what was sincerely a matter of conscience.

I went and pulled the manuscript out of his mouth, and found that the sensitive creature had choked to death on one of the mildest and gentlest statements of fact that I ever laid before a trusting public.

"This room," said Lester, looking round, "will be, I conclude, after Madeline's own heart; but will you always suffer her here? students do not sometimes like even the gentlest interruption." "I have not forgotten that Madeline's comfort requires some more cheerful retreat than this," said Aram, with a melancholy expression of countenance.