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Gentlemen's pleasure yachts are frequently cutters; but yachts may be of any form or rig that is, they may belong to any class of vessels without changing their name of yacht. Cutter-yachts are much more elegantly moulded and rigged than the sloops that we have just described.

We put up at the inn in a village just at nightfall, and when I rose next morning and looked abroad, I was ware where a knight came riding in the golden glory of the new day, and recognized him for knight of mine Sir Ozana le Cure Hardy. He was in the gentlemen's furnishing line, and his missionarying specialty was plug hats.

The next morning the Junkers had carried him off to the school of arms and then to the gentlemen's tavern to take his part in the masquerade; and when, at a later hour, after the throng had scattered, Ann came to our house, her lover was not at home: he had gone off again to the revels at the tavern where he would meet such workingmen as his sweetheart's future step-father.

Carry humps! all which duties the very smallest intellect that ever belonged to mortal man would suffice to comprehend. The professional duties of a footman are quite as difficult and various. The red-jackets who hold gentlemen's horses in St.

I've got a pot of money put away. I've cut out the cards except a little gentlemen's game now and then, to help me on with the right kind of people. Horses, the same way. I've got my political pull copper-riveted. It's as good with the Republicans as with Democrats, and as good with the reform crowd as with either. My next move is to cut loose from the gang.

From the left wing of the stage a door opened into the hall, affording communication by the staircase to the ladies' and gentlemen's dressing rooms on the floor above. Slapman. A strong smell of cigar smoke, as of one fumigating sullenly and furiously, was the unvarying proof of his presence in the house.

"Do you know the man he works for Meshach Milburn?" "No, missis. I never see him." "He wears a peculiar hat nothing like gentlemen's hats nowadays: it is a hat out of a thousand." "I never did see it, missis." "You cannot mistake it for any other hat in the world. Now, Samson is the only servant and watchman at Mr. Milburn's store, and he attends to that disgraceful hat.

And is that the reason you avoided gentlemen's society?" "Yes. I was afraid, really afraid;" and she made the expression stronger by a slight shudder. "And you are so no longer?" he questioned hopefully. "After I knew you I saw there was no danger in simply being acquainted with gentlemen." Dr. Grey winced, and was silent for a time; then resumed energetically: "I am glad you have told me this.

We soon returned to the trees; however, they kindly offered corn-meal pound-cake and beer, which were excellent. Eight gunboats and one transport have passed us. Getting out of their way has been troublesome. Our gentlemen's hands are badly blistered. Tuesday, July 15.

Unfortunately such a system is not practicable, but he who denies its absolute justice must deny also the justice of a bushel of corn for a bushel of corn, a dollar for a dollar, service for service. Here are two of these gentlemen's dicta, between which they inserted the one just considered, though properly they should go together in frank inconsistency: "6.