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No, I don't say folks ain't cashed in at farobank in that excellent hamlet an' gone singin' to their home above; but it ain't heart disease. Usual it's guns; the same bein' invoked by sech inadvertencies as pickin' up some other gent's bet. "Tell you-all a story about gamblin'! Now I reckons the time Faro Nell rescoos Cherokee Hall from rooin is when I sees the most dinero changed in at one play.

"And so the other young gent's getting better, is he?" Jerry nodded. "Yes, the doctor told me. I thought we'd got a big interesting case on there. Sensible?" Jerry shook his head. "Ah! That's what the doctor said, and that he might not be really sensible for weeks. Narrow squeak for him, eh?" "Yes." "Fancy! That poor young chap nearly killing him!"

Dan is in hard luck; Cherokee on his part gets driven out each hand; an' Ellis an' the avaricious gent is doin' what little winnin's bein' done, between 'em. It's evident by this time, too, the avaricious gent's layin' for Cherokee. This oninstructed person looks on Cherokee as both imbecile an' onlucky to boot. "The avaricious gent gets action suddener than he thinks. It's a jack pot.

Yea, forsooth, it was all in his buttons as they winked slyly one to another as much as to say: "Aha! we don't know why his Lordship's nankeens are greened at the knees, not we! nor why the gent's lower lip is unduly swelled. Lord love your eyes and limbs, oh no!" "What, my imp of innocence!" exclaimed the Viscount. "Where have you sprung from?" "'Edge, m'lud."

"Which I reckons now," says Jule, givin' me a look, "if you'd asked me, I'd been fool enough to go." Of course, with that I'm treed; I couldn't flicker, so I allows that if Jule'll caper back to the house with me I'll take her yet. "'We-all gets back to my old gent's an' I proceeds to hitch up a Dobbin hoss we has to a side-bar buggy.

"Voice like his, too!" muttered the Postilion, backing away still farther; "yes, onnat'ral's the word strike me dumb if it ain't!" "Come, will you do as I ask, or must I make you?" "Why, I ain't got no objection to taking the gent's 'eels, if that's all you ask, though mind ye, if ever I see such damned onnat'ralness as this 'ere in all my days, why drownd me!"

You better take it easy. You'll feel better to-morrow." "I don't need no outfit. I reckon I'll saddle Pill." Sundown turned the Mexican's pony into the corral and saddled his own horse which he led to the bunk-house. "I ain't got no gun," he said. "The sheriff gent's got mine. Mebby you'd be lendin' me one?" Wingle stepped to the doorway and stood beside Corliss. "What does he want, Jack?"

Affectionately, "BERT." "Heavens!" exclaimed John, stifling the note in his hand and stalking tragically around the room. "Can it be possible that I have nursed a frozen viper? An ingrate? A wolf in sheep's clothing? An orang-outang in gent's furnishings?" "Was you calling me, sir?" asked a voice at the door. It was the janitor. "No!" thundered John; "Quit my sight! get out of my way!

I thought it might be a dried rosebud she'd dropped down to him from a balcony, or maybe a picture of her he'd cut out of a magazine, she being so high up in the world. "I opened the drawer, and there was the rosewood casket about the size of a gent's collar box. I found the little key in the bunch that fitted it, and unlocked it and raised the lid.

When I say that it was out of the agitation of this situation that Smith's Ladies' and Gent's Cafe originated, anybody who knows Mariposa will understand the magnitude of the moment. Mr.