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He eats and drinks paint." "Does he really paint so very well?" asked Catherine thoughtfully. "Is he a great genius?" "Young woman, we are all of us great geniuses. We never say so, because we are as modest as we are great, but just look into my book on fossil batrachians." "I don't feel the least interest in you or your batrachiums; but I adore Mr. Wharton."

Whether loved or hated, admired or censured, his poetry had placed him in the front rank of literary geniuses throughout the world. As a poet his immortality was secured. In literary efforts he had also probably exhausted himself; he could write nothing more which would add to his fame, unless he took a long rest and recreation.

We are in perfect contrast, each supplying the deficiency in the other.... As I am an incorrigible mountebank, and Webb is one of the simplest of geniuses, I have always been in the centre of the stage, whilst Webb has been prompting me, invisible, from the side."

Leonardo worked very slowly upon his paintings, because he was never satisfied with a work, and would retouch it day after day. Then, too, he was a man of moods, like most geniuses, and could not work with regularity. The picture of the "Last Supper" was painted in Milan, by order of his patron, the Duke, and there are many picturesque stories written of its production.

None of your nonsensical geniuses, like poets or painters or anything like that; but downright, straightforward, no-humbug sort of devil-may-care and bad-luck-to-you kind of chaps, real Irishmen! The Englishmen laughed long and loud, while we cheered with an energy that satisfied even the major. "Who is to give us the chant? Who is to sing Saint Patrick?" cried Maurice. "Come, Bob, out with it."

Nor are such children either geniuses or freaks they are merely inheritors of the "New England Conscience," so named, I suppose, because the trait has multiplied in this section more rapidly even than the furniture and fittings of the Mayflower.

It was while he was musing with a certain tenseness on these things that the sound of footsteps came to him from below. But almost in the first instant the hope that this might be J. B. Wheeler, the curse of the human race, died away. Whoever was coming up the stairs was running, and J. B. Wheeler never ran upstairs. He was not one of your lean, haggard, spiritual-looking geniuses.

Lean faces, too, with burning, sunken eyes, under bald heads yellow from the labors of futile scholasticism, contrasted with young and eager countenances, grave faces, warlike faces, and the ruddy cheeks of the financial class. These lectures, dissertations, theses, sustained by the brightest geniuses of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, roused our forefathers to enthusiasm.

We have our clubs and balls and other social functions and our geniuses and our masters who speak English like natives ... But there! you'll soon know all about it yourself." She nodded pleasantly and rose. "I must be off," she said. "To-day every minute is precious. That wretched PROBE spoils the morning, and directly it is over, I have to rush to an organ-lesson that's why I'm here.

That wasn't a direct correlation, since there were multi-field geniuses with none at all, and people with no conventional talents and powerful Talent but well over ninety percent of the time, conventional and psionic abilities went together. Owajima wouldn't be the top-rated field agent without exceptional ability of both types.