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Genesis chapter 4, verse 9. "Let's come and see Dubbs before tea," said Walter, on rejoining the other two. "Henderson told me he was ill in bed, poor fellow." They went at once to the cottage, detached from the rest of the school buildings, to which all invalids were removed, and they were allowed to go to Daubeny's room; but although he was expecting their visit he had fallen asleep.

Therefore all I shall say about the matter is that the first chapter of Genesis, and the first three verses of the second, may be the writing of a prophet older than Moses, because they call God Elohim, which was his name before Moses' time; and that Moses may have used them, and worked them into a book of Genesis; while he, in the part which he wrote himself, called God at first by the name Jehovah Elohim, The Lord God, in order to show that Jehovah and El were the same God, and not two different ones; and after he had made the Jews understand that, went on to call God simply Jehovah, and to use the two names, as they are used through the rest of the Old Testament, interchangeably: as we say sometimes God, sometimes the Lord, sometimes the Deity, and so forth; meaning of course always the same Being.

It is certain that it must be conceded that we have as yet attained to no infallible chronology. And it is equally certain that a larger amount of allegory must be infused into the first chapters of Genesis than would have been digestible by the theologians of the last generation, if we would ever have theology and science stand upon the same plane.

We need to perch high, for the storm has been general through the basin, and the Ohio is rising steadily. Imlay says the rate in his time from Pittsburg to Limestone was twenty-five cents per hundred. Produce boats A dead town On the Great Bend Grant's birthplace The Little Miami The genesis of Cincinnati. Point Pleasant, O., Wednesday, May 23rd. The river rose three feet during the night.

From the highly crystalline, and, for the most part, non-fossiliferous era, far back in the Laurentian period, down, in the order of time, to the modern or post-tertiary period, there is one continuous history of life-manifestations, written upon the stratified rocks, in the order of the Bible Genesis.

For genesis and decay presuppose qualitative change; and qualitative change presupposes the approach of the agent causing the change to the thing undergoing the change. And there is no growth or diminution without antecedent genesis and decay. Time is an accident following motion and connected with it. The one cannot exist without the other.

Since not even humans, who are almost half-gods, can fathom the mystery of the genesis of ideas and the dictates of choice, appearing in their consciousness as ideas, it is not to be expected of a more dog to know the why of the ideas that animate it to definite acts toward definite ends. And so Jerry.

Since there has been a time, prior to their genesis, in which they did not exist it is easy to imagine a future without them. Even where the distinction between individual and collective is spurious their end is plausible. True, though we can obliterate numerous "individual" bacteria others, genetically identical, will always survive our onslaught.

I asked them in committee whether they were prepared to prove that the 969 years, as spoken of in Genesis, were the same measure of time as 969 years now, and told them that if the sanitary arrangements of the world would again permit men to live as long as the patriarchs, we would gladly change the Fixed Period.

The theory that the narrative in Genesis is derived from the Babylonian, and is a purified, elevated rendering of it, is not so likely as that both are renderings of a more primitive account, to which the Hebrew narrative has kept true, while the other has tainted it with polytheistic ideas.