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As we look back over this century, let us, in the highest spirit of bipartisanship, recognize that we can be proud of our Nation's record in foreign affairs. America has given more generously of itself toward maintaining freedom, preserving peace, alleviating human suffering around the globe, than any nation has ever done in the history of man.

"She answered me yes, dear Marchesa she told me that she loved me. It only remains for me to claim the maternal blessing which you so generously promised in advance."

I dare answer for us both, that we say not a syllable we don't think. O sir, said I, how unequal am I to all this goodness! Every moment that passes adds to the weight of the obligations you oppress me with. Think not too much of that, said he most generously. Mr.

He was most anxious both to protect your mother and to provide generously for the future of Janet's daughter. "Yet I understand that there was no mention of her in his will." "This omission was entirely on your mother's account. The considerable property representing a third of his entire estate which was left in trust to me for a secret purpose, will go, of course, to the girl.

Five thousand oxen, fourteen thousand sheep, with a great number of hogs, were purchased, and shipped alive. Vegetables, preserved by a new process, were bought in quantities; wheat and flour were collected; wood, coal, hay, and other fodder, with beer, porter, rum, Geneva, and the more innocent vinegar, were generously provided.

The guests were all the dark-faced dwellers of the Indian village, making a novel group of whites, half-breeds and savage Indians. Many of the latter were poor, maimed, halt and blind, who thoroughly enjoyed the feast of potatoes, turnips, and bacon so generously provided by the happy bridegroom.

"In spite of what you say, I know she doesn't care a brass farthing to marry me. So let's drop that." Comyn made a comic gesture of deprecation. I went on: "But I am going to stay here and find out the truth, though it may be a foolish undertaking. And if he is intimidating Mr. Manners " "You may count on me, and on Charles," said my Lord, generously; "and there are some others I know of. Gad!

His lordship is downstairs and he has consented kindly and generously consented to wait an hour for your answer. But he must leave the island by the afternoon steamer, and if. . . ." "Then tell him he must leave it without me," I said, as well as I could for the anger that was choking me. The advocate looked steadily into my face. I think he understood the situation at last.

Phileas Fogg generously rewarded Mudge, whose hand Passepartout warmly grasped and the party directed their steps to the Omaha railway station. The Pacific Railroad proper finds its terminus at this important Nebraska town. Omaha is connected with Chicago by the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad, which runs directly east, and passes fifty stations. A train was ready to start when Mr.

It did not redound to our credit that we showed interest in the movements of such people. Monty brought an enormous can of bug-powder with him, and restored our popularity by lending generously after he had treated our quarters sufficiently for three days' stay.