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The amount of the debt of the united Mogador merchants is more than one million and a half of dollars. The usual course of the merchants is to pay the debt off by monthly instalments. This was certainly an instance of magnanimous generosity on the part of Muley Abd Errahman.

Yet their great statesmen uniformly extended toleration to the rival creed, and even patronised the orthodox bishops, by whom they were secretly regarded as worse than the lowest of the heathen. This generosity was little more than common prudence.

Neither did these acclamations and shouts of joy come from those alone who scrambled for the money, but from a superior rank of people, who could not forbear applauding Alla ad Deen's generosity.

Don't think that my words are inspired by jealousy. A higher sentiment dictates them, and at this moment my maternal love gives me, I fear, a foresight of the future. There is only just time to rescue you from the danger into which you are running. You hope to retain your husband by your generosity? There where you think you are giving proofs of love he will only see proofs of weakness.

The captive made another reverence. "I have never complained of your injustice," she said. "I need scarcely say what I think of your generosity." And before our staring eyes could blink she had passed out of the room, Basil holding the door open for her. He turned to Greenwood with a relapse into joviality. "This will be a relief to you," he said.

Bois-Rose without waiting to reload, ran up to put an end to the struggle in which Fabian's generosity placed him at a disadvantage and Pepe, having fast bound his enemy, advanced also. Thus menaced by three men, Diaz determined not to die without vengeance.

He had not been able to resist the temptation of forcing the secret, fearing that Ferragut's generosity might prove excessive, and impossible to consider. He protested, handing to Ulysses the check taken from the envelope. "I could not accept it!... It's a crazy idea!..." He had read with terror the amount made out to him in the letter of credit, first in figures then in long hand.

Fear had overcome him once more. Having nothing in himself on which he could rely, he could not trust to the generosity of his brother. So, after more than two and a half years of separation Akbar found his father again. And now, for the time at any rate, Prince Akbar's adventures were over, and all the little party prepared to enjoy themselves.

In answer, Hector told the story of the revelation made to him by Allan Roscoe, after his father's death. "You see, therefore," he concluded, "that I am penniless, and a dependent upon Mr. Allan Roscoe's generosity." "This is a most extraordinary story!" said the merchant, after a pause. "Yes, sir; it changes my whole future." "I suppose Mr.

The Baboon is already so largely alliterative in himself that it was an excess of generosity that made one recently attack an infant under such circumstances as to allow the report to be headed, "Baby Bitten by a Baboon in a Backyard at Bow." Alliteration has become a mighty factor in politics: it is fast replacing epigram, while its effects on moral character are tremendous.