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The truly afflicting condition in which the remains of an army called triumphant were plunged, produced, as might well be expected, a corresponding impression on the mind of the General-in-Chief. Scarcely had he arrived at Tentoura when he ordered his tent to be pitched.

Some time in the winter of 1863-64 I had been invited by the general-in-chief to give my views of the campaign I thought advisable for the command under me now Sherman's. General J. E. Johnston was defending Atlanta and the interior of Georgia with an army, the largest part of which was stationed at Dalton, about 38 miles south of Chattanooga.

Madame Junot, in speaking of the ill-suppressed enmity between her husband and Madame Bonaparte, says that he never uttered a word even to her of the subject of his conversation with, the General-in-Chief to Egypt.

Several vessels had already been boarded and taken by the Turks, who massacred the crews before our eyes, and with barbarous ferocity showed us the heads of the slaughtered men. Perree, at considerable risk, despatched several persons to inform the General-in-Chief of the desperate situation of the flotilla.

McClellan's visits to my position Riding the lines Discussing the past campaign The withdrawal from the James Prophecy McClellan and the soldiers He is in command of the defences Intricacy of official relations Reorganization begun Pope's army marches through our works Meeting of McClellan and Pope Pope's characteristics Undue depreciation of him The situation when Halleck was made General-in-Chief Pope's part in it Reasons for dislike on the part of the Potomac Army McClellan's secret service Deceptive information of the enemy's force Information from prisoners and citizens Effects of McClellan's illusion as to Lee's strength Halleck's previous career Did he intend to take command in the field?

Forthwith came orders for the cavalry to cross the river, and we mounted in high expectation, knowing that behind the captured hill lay an open plain stretching almost to the foot of Bulwana. We galloped swiftly down to the pontoon bridge, and were about to pass over it, when the General-in-Chief met us. He had ridden to the other bank to see for himself and us.

At that time we discussed the army changes which would necessarily occur in the following March, and it was generally understood that I was to succeed General Grant as general-in-chief, but as to my successor, Meade, Thomas, and Sheridan were candidates.

The recent arrival of General Desaix, who had just returned from Egypt, completed the joy of the general-in-chief, and also added much to the confidence of the soldiers, by whom the good and modest Desaix was adored. The First Consul received him with the frankest and most cordial friendship, and they remained together three consecutive hours in private conversation.

The general-in-chief refused to billet them in the villages for fear, said he, of indiscipline and compelled them to bivouack, under canvas, in the mud; seldom, moreover, allowing any fires to be kindled. For a score of days did this state of affairs continue, and the effect of it was seen at the battle of Beaune-la-Rolande.

Whence does she obtain further resources?" "From the investments made for her by the Baron de Samoreau." "Without her having to pay a commission of any kind? A most remarkable case of disinterestedness!" "I never have sought to examine the matter particularly," said Henri. "And is that the way you keep yourself informed? A future general-in-chief!"