United States or Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But now they were at the shops and Lynn and Max were greatly excited. They pointed out the different places to him. This was Benson's, and he made the most delicious drop cakes that ever were; they always bought some when they were going for picnics, and gen'ally on a Saturday, when Anna had no time to make cakes, they had them again.

"I ain't what ye might call an old residenter," said David, "though I was part raised on Buxton Hill, an' I ain't so well 'quainted with the nabobs; but Polly's lived in the village ever sence she got married, an' knows their fam'ly hist'ry, dam, an' sire, an' pedigree gen'ally.

He shrugged, removed his glasses, polished them on his handkerchief, and sat holding them, his short-sighted eyes lost in reverie. His wife endured it to the limit of patience: "Curt," she began in a lower voice, "you and I gen'ally avoid certain matters, dear but ev'ything is sure to come right in the end isn't it? The No'th is going to be sensible." "In the end," he admitted quietly.

"Oh, I shall never have any such secrets," said Laura, blushing; "my sister never lets the beaux come to see me, you know. I'm going to be an old maid." "Well, perhaps you will be," said Miss Blake; "only they gen'ally don't make old maids of such lookin' girls as you be." But though Miss Blake took Laura into favor, she was by no means inclined to do the same by Mrs.

Putty good feller? good citizen? good neighber? lib'ral? kind to his fam'ly? ev'rybody like him? gen'ally pop'lar, an' all that? "'Wa'al, says Smith, wigglin' in his chair an' pullin' out his whiskers three four hairs to a time, 'I guess he come some short of all that. "'E'umph! says Dave, 'I guess he did!

When she had a quilting, or Dorcas S'iety at her house she gen'ally borrowed Miss Higgins's wooden leg to stump around on; it was considerable shorter than her other pin, but much she minded that. She said she couldn't abide crutches when she had company, becuz they were so slow; said when she had company and things had to be done, she wanted to get up and hump herself.

"We gen'ally hide ahind the waratahs or the bamboos, or up a tree's a good place," said Muffie, much interested. If it were hide-and-seek about to begin, this is where Max shone. He laid down his pen and slipped down from his chair. "I'll find her for you," he said. "I find licker than any one. Once I found Paul an' she was lapped up in the sheets in the linen less."

'Bus'nis is bus'nis' ain't part of the golden rule, I allow, but the way it gen'ally runs, fur 's I've found out, is, 'Do unto the other feller the way he'd like to do unto you, an' do it fust. But, if you want to keep this thing a-runnin' as it's goin' on now fer a spell longer, say one year, or two, or even three, you may, only I've got somethin' to say to ye 'fore ye elect."

A figure in khaki came straight at me across the Square, its boots sounding like the deliberate approach of Fate in solitude. It stopped and saluted, and said: "I shouldn't stay 'ere, sir. They gen'ally begin about now. Sure to drop some 'ere." At that moment a mournful cry went over us, followed by a crash in Sinister Street. My way home! Some masonry fell in sympathy from the Cloth Hall.

"It seems to me, Sol," said Henry presently, "that we've been selected for work of a certain kind. We finish one job, and then another on the same line begins." "Mebbe it's because we like to do it, an' are fit fur it," said Sol philosophically. "I've noticed that a river gen'ally runs in a bed that suits it.