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"I've took note," said Scattergood, "that them that was most strict about mindin' their own business was gen'ally most diligent about doin' God's all unbeknownst to themselves." From Scattergood Baines's seat on the piazza of his hardware store he could look across the river and through a side window of the bank. Scattergood was availing himself of this privilege.

"'Wa'al, I says, 'I guess that's so, but fer the present I reckon I c'n do ye more good by keepin' in the shade. Are you folks prepared to spend a little money? I says. "'Yes, he says, 'if it comes to that. "'Wa'al, I says, 'it putty most gen'ally does come to that, don't it? Now, the's one feller that's doin' ye more harm than some others. "'You mean Staples? he says.

He lowed at first thet like ez not the monitor was cuttin' up some sort o' didoes, the way monitors does gen'ally, so he waited a-while; but it kep' a-gittin' worse, so d'rectly he got up, an' he went in to see what the excitement was about; an'lo and beholt!

"Yes, ma'am; yes, ma'am, I expect that's so," he assented, "but I got an extry coat o' tan follerin' you out o' that theater. When we got out into the entry one o' them fellers that stands 'round steps up to me an' says, 'Ain't your ma feelin' well? he says. 'Her feelin's has ben a trifle rumpled up, I says, 'an' that gen'ally brings on the nosebleed, an' then," said David, looking over Mrs.

Netlips, with a grandiose manner, implying that even if it had cost millions he would have been equal to 'stocking' it "But the traveling aristocrat does not interrogate the lucrative matter." "Don't he?" and Bainton scratched his head ruminatively. "I s'pose you knows what you means, Mr. Netlips, an' you gen'ally means a lot.

Nowdays the's a good many things I'd sooner have than custard pie, though," he said with a wink, "I gen'ally do eat two pieces jest to please Polly." John laughed. "What was the other thing?" he asked. "Other thing I once bought?" queried David. "Oh, yes, it was the fust hoss I ever owned. I give fifteen dollars fer him, an' if he wa'n't a dandy you needn't pay me a cent.

Peagrum, that's my name, fust shop round the corner as you go into Silver Street, plumber and sanitry hengineer, gas-fittin' and hartistic decorating, bell-'anging in all its branches. I received instructions from Mr. Jones that I was to look into a little matter o' leakage in the back-kitchen sink; also to see what taps, if hany, required seein' to, and gen'ally to put things straight like.

To-night they were bound on some sort of a racket they got some other young folks in; but gen'ally they do pretty well. I'm goin' to take my oldest boy right into the office, first o' January put him right to business. I need more help; I've got too much now for me an' Decket to handle, though Decket's a good accountant." "Well, I'm glad I'm out of it," said Captain Crowe.

He wasn't no mo' 'n 'bout three months ol' when he said it; 'n' then, 'fo' I could ketch my breath, hardly, an put in my claim, what does he do but square aroun', an', lookin' at me direc', say "dada!" thess like that. There's the secon' bell, doctor. 'Sh! Don't ring no mo', Dicey! We're a-comin'! At the first bell the roller-towel an' basin gen'ally holds a reception; but to-day bein' Sunday

Do urge the horse a little mite, Bartholomew! It makes me kind o' hot to be passed by Deacon Baxter. It's Missionary Sunday, too, when he gen'ally has rheumatism too bad to come out." "I wonder if he ever puts anything into the plate," said Mrs. Day. "No one ever saw him, that I know of." "The Deacon keeps the Thou Shalt Not commandments pretty well," was Aunt Abby's terse response.