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She's been hired out a spell in Jacksonville, nuss to a little gal, and now she's gwine home. Miss Dory done sent for her, 'case Jake is gone and ole Miss is wus, never was very peart," and turning to the girl the boy Ted continued: "You Mandy Ann, doan you know more manners not to skeer a gemman, rollin' round like a punkin? Get back wid yer."

Elder Covil knows send for him. That's just afore she died." "And did you send for him?" the Colonel asked with some alarm, and Jake replied: "I went for him an' he wasn't thar had moved off an' another gemman, the Rev. Mr. Charles Mason, what I foun' at the hotel, 'tended de buryin' with his pra'r book, 'case I wanted somethin' 'bout de Resurrection an' de Life.

Up yonder at the mansion house Black Mammy held sway in the nursery; Aunt Dinah was the cook; Aunt Rachel carried the housekeeper's keys; while Jane and Ann, the mulatto ladies' maids, flitted about on duty, and Jim and Jack "'tended on young marster and de gemman." Such hospitality as was made possible by that style of living can never repeat itself in changed conditions.

But I tell you that you shall quit this house in half an hour that you shall never enter it again but at your peril; and if you do within ten minutes from that time you shall be in the town gaol. It is no longer a contest between you and your defenceless daughter; it is a contest between " "A tramper in fustian, and a gemman as drives a coach," interrupted Darvil, laughing bitterly, yet heartily.

And then, being perfectly tipsy, he launched out into violent abuse of Joe Punchard's captain, who was, it is true, a rough and ready seaman, and, I must own, somewhat uncouth in his manners. From his words I learned that Kirkby had been a lieutenant on Benbow's ship, and was deeply incensed that any one who was not a "gemman" should have had the right to give him orders.

That 'ere bundle vas the voman's child, I s'pose an unnatural von by the gemman; she let us into the 'ouse on condition we helped her off vith it. And, blow me tight, but ve paid ourselves vel for our trouble. That 'ere voman vas a strange cretur; they say she had been a lord's blowen; but howsomever, she was as 'ot-'eaded and hodd as if she had been.

"Do you remember in the boarding-house when we finally packed up what you did with everything?" "Yassum." "You remember that I used to keep a pistol?" "Yo' mean dat one yo' say dat gemman out West gave yuh once?" "Yes." "Yassum, Ah 'membuh it." "Where is it now?" "Last Ah saw of it was in dis heah draw' in de writin'-desk."

Thackeray, had helped to mollify Malachi's righteous wrath over the immortal novelist's ignorance of Southern dishes: "Dat fat gemman wid de gold specs dat dey do say is so mighty great, ain't eat nuffin yet but soup an' a li'l mite o' 'tater," he said to Aunt Hannah on one of his trips to the kitchen as dinner went on. "He let dat tar'pin an' dem ducks go by him same as dey was pizen.

"I doan no what dat is, sar." "I mean is she pretty?" "Yas, sar, dat she is. It is gin out dat she is de puttiest 'oman in dis settlement, and I git so tired taking horses ob gemmen dat cum to see her." "Then I expect she is bethrothed." "I doan no 'bout dat, but she ses dat de rite gemman hab not cum yit." "I must go down now, the Colonel may be waiting for me. Here is a dollar for you.

He's holdin' forth for another of dem high sassiety shindigs to-night. Dat gemman alluz has too many callin' to bother with the telephone when he has a party. You don't need no announcin'." The man directed him to the door on the left. Closed as it was the sounds of merrymaking emanated into the corridor. Shirley's pressure on the bell was answered by Shine Taylor's startled face.