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Well, grant the West Indies not to continue continent unto the Pole, grant there be a passage between these two lands, let the gulf lie nearer us than commonly in cards we find it set, namely, between the sixty-first and sixty-fourth degrees north, as Gemma Frisius in his maps and globes imagineth it, and so left by our countryman Sebastian Cabot in his table which the Earl of Bedford hath at Theinies; let the way be void of all difficulties, yet doth it not follow that we have free passage to Cathay.

And then at last, one day " The slender, brown hand clenched itself suddenly on the table, and Gemma, raising her head, glanced at him anxiously. His side-face was turned towards her, and she could see a vein on the temple beating like a hammer, with quick, irregular strokes. She bent forward and laid a gentle hand on his arm. "Never mind the rest; it's almost too horrible to talk about."

"Ah," Carmela said uncomprehendingly, "I am never ill, grazia a Dio, but when Maria has an indigestion she is cross, and when Gemma is in love her temper is dreadful. Perhaps, being a foreigner, you are different. Are you tired?" "Yes, I am, rather, but go on talking to me. I am not sleepy." Carmela, nothing loth, drew a chair to the bedside. "You need not get up yet," she said comfortably.

Moreover, Dante had married Gemma within a year of the death of Beatrice, and had even lived so scandalously meanwhile as to bring down upon him the stern reproof of his friend Guido Calvancanti; yet the world still regards him as the type of all faithful lovers. Faithfulness is an attitude of the mind, and all it touches turns to Beatrice. Yet

Gemma was less successful in the parts of young girls of so-called 'jeunes premieres'; in the love-scenes in particular she failed; she was conscious of this herself, and for that reason gave them a faint shade of irony as though she did not quite believe in all these rapturous vows and elevated sentiments, of which the author, however, was himself rather sparing so far as he could be.

The gardener's spade suddenly scraped two paces from where they were sitting. 'Let's go home, whispered Gemma: 'we'll go together will you? If she had said to him at that instant 'Throw yourself in the sea, will you? he would have been flying headlong into the ocean before she had uttered the last word.

'Has no one been to see you to-day? she asked. 'A person did come to me and we had an explanation, and we ... we came to the most satisfactory conclusion. Gemma went back behind the counter. 'She does not believe me! he thought ... he went into the next room, however, and there found Frau Lenore. Her sick headache had passed off, but she was in a depressed state of mind.

Gemma, who had been helping Katie to set the disordered room tidy again, sat down at the table. "Signor Rivarez, you must take something before you go home you had hardly any dinner, and it's very late." "I should like a cup of tea in the English fashion, if you have it. I'm sorry to keep you up so late." "Oh! that doesn't matter. Put the child down on the sofa; he will tire you.

A priest teaches religious doctrine. I don't see what that has to do with getting rid of the Austrians." "A priest is a teacher of Christianity, and the greatest of all revolutionists was Christ." "Do you know, I was talking about priests to father the other day, and he said " "Gemma, your father is a Protestant." After a little pause she looked round at him frankly.

Thinking of them, she saw them, happier than before, since poor Gemma had not been easy to live with, and quite satisfied to do the same things every day, waddling out of a morning to early mass and the marketing, eating and sleeping during the noon hours, and in the evenings going to hear the music in piazza. Olive was not happy.