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"'Darlin' Hiram, how could you leave me, but if you will come away with me now all will be forgiven and forgotten, from one who loves you truly and well, and has followed you to remind you of your promise. My Gawd, Cap'n, ain't that something to raise a blister on the motto, 'God Bless Our Home'?" "It's done it over to my house," said the Cap'n, lugubriously.

He simply hoped, that's all! And his hopes were more than justified. "My Gawd, Cap'n," gasped Odbar Broadway when the notables had received their money and had filed out, "what does this mean? There ain't more'n a hundred dollars left of the surplus fund, and there ain't any of the prizes and appropriations paid yet!

"I want her!" The words, spoken close to her shoulder caused Mary to drop the loaf and turn in affright. "I want her!" "Gawd! Aunt Becky!" gasped Mary, dropping, like a cloak, the thin veneer of all that Ridge House had done for her. "Gawd! Aunt Becky, I done thought you was dead and all. I ain't seen you in ages. Won't you set?"

"Don't you daih to cuss ag'in or befo' Gawd dey 'll be somep'n fu' one o' dis fambly to be rottin' in jail fu'!" The boy was cowed by his mother's manner. He was gathering his few belongings in a bundle. "I ain't goin' to cuss," he said sullenly, "I 'm goin' out o' your way." "Oh, go on," she said, "go on. It 's been a long time sence you been my son.

"What's the matter?" he asked drowsily, his small, gray-blue eyes blinking in the yellow sun-glare and still sluggish from the nap disturbed by the noise of Skinny's arrival. "Nothin'. Skinny's just got a letter an' is excited about it," the Ramblin' Kid said, handing the envelope to him. "It's for you." "My Gawd!" Old Heck exclaimed, "it's a telegram!"

"Gawd bless you, mate!" came chokingly from the ground and the rescued man, extricating himself from beneath the body of his stunned assailant, rose unsteadily to his feet and lurched toward me. As I had surmised, he was a sailor, wearing a rough, blue-serge jacket and having his greasy trousers thrust into heavy seaboots by which I judged that he was but newly come ashore.

Maggie stood up. "I'm going home," she said. The mere boy started. "Eh? What? Home," he cried, struck with amazement. "I beg pardon, did hear say home?" "I'm going home," she repeated. "Great Gawd, what hava struck," demanded the mere boy of himself, stupefied.

Oh! how cruel she did suffer! She thought she would not tell him just yet. It was too hard. And then it seemed quite easy, and then she cried out in agony: "Is that 'im comin'? Oh, my Gawd, it is!" She clasped her hands over a brand-new blowse, with something under it that jumped and fluttered orful. Mother used to 'ave such palpitytions when her and father 'ad 'ad what you might call a jar.

I'll smarten yer up a bit by Gawd I'll break yer bleed'n' 'earts afore I've done wi' yer by Gawd I will. When I tells yer ter do a thing yer've got ter do it, else there'll be trouble, Gawd strike me blind. Now then, let's see what yer can do." He gave his orders more slowly and performed each movement himself while we imitated him as best we could.

Whatever in Gawd A'mighty's world you was borned for certainly is more'n I can tell and I your Maw at that, that orto know if anybody could." "Madam," I interrupted, astonished at this discourse, "what do you mean by such talk to your son for I presume he is your son. Why do you abuse him in this way?" I was sorry for the shivering wretch whom she had made the object of her wrath.