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I ain't likely to let yer go much past yer Sharing Cross, I shall be too jolly glad to get rid o' yer." The poor Frenchman subsided, and we jolted on. At "The Angel" we, of course, stopped. "Charing Cross," shouted the conductor, and up sprang the Frenchman. "Oh, my Gawd," said the conductor, taking him by the shoulders and forcing him down into the corner seat, "wot am I to do?

That's what kind of neighbors we had all along," says he; "and we tried to build a fence and keep them away from us! Yes; thank Gawd, I couldn't build the fence high enough," says he. "I knew something about this, dad," says James, or Jimmie, or Jim, then. "I could of told you long ago that ranch deal couldn't win.

The feet of Tessie are very, very badly offach!—but they feelthey feeljus' fierceand till six o'clock—“Oh, my Gawd!” says Tessie, in good English. A gong sounds. Up we go to the ice box packing room. It sends the shivers down our spines. But already there is a feeling of sauntering in like an old hand at the game. What's your business in life? Packing chocolates.

You've fallen on a pretty perch, my dear, an' you can thank Gawd you ain't got with some as I could mention." By this time, they had got into the room, where the landlady lighted one jet of a dirty chandelier. "There now!" cried the landlady triumphantly. The remains of a fire untidied the grate; the flimsiest curtains were hung before the windows.

Sympathetically, I was wondering how far the child had separated husband and wife. There was the making of a tragedy here, I thought; but when Stott, after another period of pacing up and down, began to speak again I found that his tragedy was of another kind. "Learn 'im bowling!" he said, and laughed a mirthless laugh. "My Gawd! it 'ud take something. No fear; that little game's off.

"No, by Gawd!" replied Blinky sullenly. "You forget this heah is my deal too. There's Louise.... An' Lucy took her bag an' hurried away. There, she's runnin' past the Yellow Mine." "Blink, did she hear what I said to Hardman about Louise?" asked Pan bitterly. "Reckon not. She'd keeled over aboot then. I shore kept my eye on her. An' I tell you, pard " "Never mind," interrupted Pan.

The veterans of the blue and the gray sat on the Rye House porch together, swapping tales and borrowing tobacco as amicably as though they had never done their best to exterminate one another. "As for Abe Lincoln," declared Major Fitch, an ancient confederate, "if it hadn't been for him Gawd knows what we'd 'a' had to talk about in these dry days.

That elevator man turns around and pierces me with his eye as though I were the man with the Vandyke beard in the Subway, and he, the elevator man, were I. “Third floor did ya say? And since when does the elevator lift ya to the third floor? If ya want the sixth floor ya can ride. Third floor! My Gawd!

At the corner, where the halls met, he halted to listen. Only the low hum of voices came up. "Larry, I must tell you," whispered Allie. "Durade and his gang are after me. Fresno Mull Black Dayss you know them?" "I reckon," he replied, swallowing hard. "My Gawd! you poor little girl! With that gang after you! An' Stanton!

The old harridan stared, and her speech suddenly became clear-cut: "Well, 'fo' Gawd, I says I didn't, too!" At this point the Captain made an unintelligible sound and spread the butter on his hot biscuit. "He's jes a nigger, lak I is," stated the cook, warmly. The Captain buttered a second hot biscuit. "We's jes two niggers." The Captain hoped she would presently sputter herself out.