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"Bless my burglar alarm!" gasped Mr. Damon. "I'll see who it is," volunteered Mr. Petrofsky, and Tom looked toward the rack of loaded rifles, for that day a man, seemingly a wood cutter had passed close to the airship, and had hurried off as if he had seen a ghost. The knock was repeated. It might be their friends, and it might be But Mr.

"Mercy!" gasped Nancy. "No no!" "Why, you don't mean she'd CARE!" cried Pollyanna, plainly disturbed. "No er yes well, never mind. I I ain't so very particular about knowin' what she'd say, truly," stammered Nancy, determined to keep one scolding from Pollyanna, if nothing more. "But, say, we better hurry. I've got ter get them dishes done, ye know." "I'll help," promised Pollyanna, promptly.

A thought came to her like a flame lit on a sudden, and springing high the instant the match struck the fuel it leaped from. It was a thought so daring and so strange that even she gasped once, being appalled, and her hands, stealing to her brow, clutched at the hair that grew there, feeling it seem to rise and stand erect.

But at any rate it's serious enough for me. He wants me to give up my work here at the Harvard Medical and come West." Mary gasped. "Give it up!" she repeated. "Give up your studies? Give up medicine? Surely he doesn't want you to do that!" Crawford shook his head. "No, not quite that," he replied. "I wouldn't do that, even for him.

"Oh, Jack! he will surely be drowned!" gasped Marion, and she placed her hands over her eyes to keep out the awful sight. "Look to the boat, I am going after him!" cried our hero suddenly, and leaping to the bow, he dove into the bay after the sinking young man. He had been afraid of bringing the craft closer and hitting St. John.

"Great heavens! how ghastly pale you look, Reginald!" he cried; "you apprehend some great misfortune some dreadful accident?" "I scarcely know," gasped the baronet; "but I own that I feel considerable alarm the the river the current was so strong after the thaw the stream so swollen by melted snow. If if Lionel's horse should have tried to swim the river and failed "

You are alone with me and absolutely in my power. Do as I ask and there is nothing you shall not have. Refuse, and I answer for nothing. Come " Her whole body trembling, her face white with terror, she kept on retreating: "Leave me alone!" she gasped, "or I will scream." "Scream away," he laughed. "There's no one here to hear you." Suddenly he made a quick lunge forward and seized her.

I know you keep his house beautifully, but any man would rather have his wife look well than his house, if he is worth anything at all." Then she gasped out that she wished she knew how to do up her hair like mine. It was all highly ridiculous, but it actually ended in my going into the Temple house and showing Ned's wife how to do up her hair like mine.

"From the commander-in-chief," said the officer, raising his hat, as he motioned his men to stand back. "Madam, permit me to present myself as Lieutenant Hillhouse of the Connecticut Rangers, and pray command my services." "Oh," gasped Betty, from the other side, "our own troops, thank Heaven!" "Truly you are a welcome arrival," said Mrs. Seymour, with a light-hearted laugh.

With a rush they bore back both Le Brusquet and De Lorgnac, but keeping themselves between me and the foremost of those who followed us, with alternate threats and appeals, my brave friends enabled me to make headway. Down we went, along a narrow passage, at one end of which was a door. "There!" gasped De Mouchy. "Quick!"