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Decrees are passed on the 18th of July accusing Coustard, on the 28th of July against Gensonne, La Source, Vergniaud, Mollevaut, Gardien, Grangeneuve, Fauchet, Boilleau, Valaze, Cussy, Meillan; each being aware that the tribunal before which he must appear is the waiting room to the guillotine.

Barbaroux, Lanjuinais, Vergniaud, Mollevault, and Gardien remained, vainly expecting the armed men who were to secure their persons, but not seeing them arrive, they retired to their own homes. There followed the rising of certain parts of the country in favour of the Girondins and against Paris. It failed.

Victor Hugo, who traveled through Flanders in 1837, stopped for a time in Malines, and was so impressed with the carillon that he is said to have written there the following lines by moonlight with a diamond upon the window-pane in his room: "J'aime le carillon dans tes cités Antiques, O vieux pays, gardien de tes moeurs domestiques, Noble Flandre, le Nord se réchauffe engourdi Au soleil de Castille et s'accouple au Midi.

The Count ordered Ali, who was acting as coachman, to hand him the reins, dismount and assist the gardien. At the sound of his voice, the man who had grasped the spoke looked up with a start and, without relaxing his hold, cried out in Italian: "Say a word for me, your Excellency!

Quand un souffle furtif glisse en ses cheveux blonds, Une cendre ineffable inonde son épaule, Et, de leur transparence argentant leurs cils longs, Ses yeux out la couleur des belle nuits du pôle. Et le gardien pensif du mystique oranger Des balcons de l'Aurore eternelle se penche, Et regarde passer ce fantôme léger Dans les plis de sa robe immortellement blanche. "Immortellement blanche!"

Nous vinmes loger dans un caravanserai qui étoit éloigné de toute habitation. Nous y trouvâmes de l'orge et de la paille, et il eût été d'autant plus aisé de nous en approvisionner, qu'il n'y avoit d'autre gardien qu'un seul valet. Mais on n'a rien de semblable

But I was profoundly conscious both of the excitement and the emotion, and, with that refined epicureanism of which intellectual people alone are capable, I abandoned myself, for a time, to the subtle luxury of their enjoyment. My reverie was interrupted by the clanging of the great clock and the scarcely less harsh voice of the gardien as he announced the hour for closing the library.

"That's sheer modesty. Why, my dear fellow, the other day in your room you were singing 'L'Ange Gardien' ravishingly. I heard you from the laboratory. You gave it like an actor." Léon, in fact, lodged at the chemist's, where he had a small room on the second floor, overlooking the Place.

Ash, in the Philosophical Transactions, records a somewhat similar case in a girl of twelve. Anomalies of the Teeth. Pliny, Colombus, van Swieten, Haller, Marcellus Donatus, Baudelocque, Soemmering, and Gardien all cite instances in which children have come into the world with several teeth already erupted. Haller has collected 19 cases of children born with teeth.

There was something brilliant, certainly, in that. The gardien was an extra- ordinarily typical little Frenchman, who struck me even more forcibly than the wonders of the inner enceinte; and as I am bound to assume, at whatever cost to my literary vanity, that there is not the slightest danger of his reading these remarks, I may treat him as public property.