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Thus passing from the market-place, and coming to the gaol, he delivered Lentulus to the officer, and commanded him to execute him; and after him Cethegus, and so all the rest in order, he brought and delivered up to execution.

"And getting Merritt arrested and sent to gaol where I couldn't make use of him? No, no. The thing is pretty vague in my mind at present. I have to work it out as one would a story; as David Steel would work it out, for instance. Ah!" Chris clapped her hands rapturously, and a little cry of delight escaped her. "The very thing," she exclaimed. "If I could lay all the facts before Mr.

Brodribb, "it's the most infamous, cowardly plot I have ever heard of. They shall go to gaol for it, the villains, as sure as I am alive." But in this Mr.

Finding resistance and remonstrance altogether out of the question, the unfortunate men marched on silently as directed, mentally endeavoring to explain this sample of Irish hospitality, and confident that there must be a mistake somewhere, but of the precise nature of that error they had not the faintest idea. Arrived at the gaol, they were severally incarcerated and their handcuffs taken off.

All present laughed at the number of caps and the novelty of the suit; Sancho set himself to think for a moment, and then said, "It seems to me that in this case it is not necessary to deliver long-winded arguments, but only to give off-hand the judgment of an honest man; and so my decision is that the tailor lose the making and the labourer the cloth, and that the caps go to the prisoners in the gaol, and let there be no more about it."

One of the prisoners, a man close on sixty years of age, was thrown by an excited patriot and kicked and trampled on before he was rescued by some of his comrades. Once within the gaol, the men were searched and locked up in the cells, and treated exactly as black or white felons of the lowest description.

The colony was, in short, simply a kraal for yarding British undesirables and housing their keepers; its remoteness was an advantage for the purpose in view; and it never seemed to strike the officials in England who superintended its affairs, that the adequate defence of a gaol against foreign aggression was an undertaking that called for exertion or forethought.

'He has been a prisoner in a French gaol. She answered with composure, 'I should think that very likely. 'But in a gaol for criminals, mother. On an accusation of murder. She started at the word, and her looks expressed her natural horror. Yet she still spoke aloud, when she demanded: 'Who told you so? 'A man who was his fellow-prisoner.

A want of application, a restlessness of purpose, a thirsting after porter, a love of all that is roving and cadger-like in nature, shared in common with many other great geniuses, appear to have been his leading characteristics. The busy hum of a parochial free-school, and the shady repose of a county gaol, were alike inefficacious in producing the slightest alteration in Mr.

Mr. Finnerty had previously sent up a petition, but this discussion arose upon Sir Samuel Romilly presenting a petition from Thomas Houlden late a prisoner for debt in the said Gaol of Lincoln. Sir Samuel moved for a committee of the House, to inquire into the grounds of the complaint preferred by Mr. Houlden against MERRYWEATHER, the Gaoler and Dr.