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We was goin' to jine farms and I was goin' to live over to her place, because it wouldn't be so pleasant here with Mis' Gammon " He hesitated, and ducked despondent head in the direction of the front yard. "Well, seconds don't usually want to set in the front parlor window and read firsts' epitaphs for amusement," remarked Hiram, grimly. "What then?"

In a few minutes he fulfilled his promise to Mrs. Bubb, seeing Greenacre safely out of the house, and making fast the front door again; then he turned in and slept soundly till seven o'clock. All went well in the morning. The sun shone and there was a pleasant north-west breeze; in high spirits Gammon mounted the big but light van, which seemed to shout in its brilliancy of red and blue paint.

Clover in the lowest possible voice, and presently returned to her vehicle with uneasy glances left and right. Mr. Gammon, who had walked for some twenty yards, sauntered back to the shop, and his friend met him on the threshold. "That's the sort," she whispered with a merry eye. "Eight-roomed 'ouse near Queen's Road Station.

'And then to gammon her, in the Examiner, With a paragraph short and sweet. Well, now, tell me about that very striking-looking girl, or woman, rather, whom you took in to dinner. I asked you who she was when she came into the room." "That was Miss Honnor Cunyngham." "Not the salmon-fishing young lady I have heard you speak of?" "Yes." "Why, she didn't look like that," said Mangan, thoughtfully.

"As for the other motto, Archie," said I, "it merely means that a woman considers all hours wasted which she does not spend in the society of her husband." "Oh, come, you don't gammon me," said Archie. "It means that the sun don't shine unless it's fine, you know." Archie delivered this remarkable discovery in a tone of great self satisfaction. "Oh, you dear old thing!" said Dolly.

"I never could read one myself, on account o' not knowing how, but I've heard 'em read, and that's just the sort o' incomprehensible gammon." "We don't want any of your ignorant remarks," said the admiral, "so you be quiet." "Ay, ay, sir." "Now, Mister Lawyer, you are an honest fellow, and an honest fellow is generally a sensible fellow." "Sir, I thank you."

"Why, no; I shouldn't advise that," said the other with a smile. "But I have heard that married men " "Shut up! I'm not going to marry her." Driven to this bold declaration, Gammon at once felt such great relief that he dared everything. "Then there'll be the devil to pay," said Greenacre. "Wait a bit. Of course I shall take my time about breaking off."

"Why, one of you artful young scholards left a letter to his ma on his table, open for everybody to see, talking some gammon about a West Indian island, and saying you was going to lay hold of the Long Stork, to get your hands in. I can tell you you have got your hands in, my beauties. There's a cart-load of birches been ordered for you at the school already."

Men said that they saw other men like trees, walking abroad with sightless eyes; and Joseph said, "Gammon, my festive darky gammon!" but he, nevertheless, glanced somewhat uneasily towards his master whenever the natives said such things. A clearing had been made on that part of the Plateau which was most accessible from below.

He began to cough, struggled to raise himself, and became seated on the edge of the bed. "Well, it's time we were going." "Where to?" asked Gammon. The other stared at him in surprise and distress. "Surely I haven't to tell you all over again! Weren't you listening? You're a man of business, are you not? Surely you ought to have a clear head the first thing in the morning."