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'iota' stands for 'Jesus, 'chi' for 'Christ, 'theta' and 'gamma' for 'the Son of God, and 'sigma' for 'Saviour, so that the fish symbolizes under its name 'iota chi theta gamma sigma, 'Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour." "What means this picture that I see so often a ship and a huge sea monster?" "That is Jonah, a prophet of God, of whom as yet you are ignorant."

The magnitudes are five and eight, distance 26", p. 73°. Where the two arms of the cross meet is gamma, whose remarkable cortége of small stars running in curved streams should not be missed. Use the lowest magnifying power.

Suddenly I heard a shrill treble voice calling from a top-story window to some unseen being, presumably in one of the other gardens, "Gamma, me dood boy, me wery good boy, gamma; me dot on Bob's knickiebockies." Why, even animals are vain.

The superior Miss Meiggs, pondering upon the remarkable change in her classmate, saw with concern this renegade disproving an argument with which she had enlivened many a Theta Gamma meeting. She never guessed with what patience Katharine was training his wandering attention.

The variable R ranges between magnitudes seven and thirteen, period three hundred and forty-four days. The constellation Aries contains several beautiful doubles, all but one of which are easy for our smallest aperture. The most striking of these is gamma, which is historically interesting as the first double star discovered.

There had been some difficulty in procuring camels, but the all-powerful firman was a never-failing talisman, and as the Arabs had declined to let their animals for hire, the Governor despatched a number of soldiers and seized the required number, including their owners. I engaged two wild young Arabs of eighteen and twenty years of age, named Bacheet and Wat Gamma.

Immediately on my arrival at the camp, I despatched Wat Gamma on horseback with Taher Noor, in charge of a pair of beautiful double-barrelled pistols, with the name of Tatham as the manufacturer; these were loaded, and I sent a polite message, begging Mek Nimmur's acceptance of the present; they were accompanied by a supply of ammunition.

Gamma, who had consented to have two of the children placed in good country homes by the Henry Watson Aid Society, changed his mind, and the old story of indiscriminate charity and indiscriminate filth and neglect began all over again. The gentleman who had given them shelter thought they ought to have another trial. They had had six years' trial already, but this last one was of short duration.

It was in vain that my two lads, Wat Gamma and Bacheet, assured them that I was an Englishman: they had never heard of such a country as England; in their opinion, a white man must be a Turk. Not contented with refusing all supplies, they assembled in large numbers and commenced a quarrel with my men, several of whom were Tokrooris that I had hired to accompany us to Khartoum.

"The cost of that," said Faragaut, seriously now, "will be about fifty-three million at the market price. You'd have to put up twenty-six cash, and I don't believe you've got it." Buck laughed. "Tom, loan me a dozen million, will you? You send that order through, and then come see what I've got. I've got a break, too! Mercury's the best metal for this use and it'll stop gamma rays too!"