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It may lower her ugliness a leetle, but it won't raise her beauty, if she hante got none. But I warn't a talkin' of nobility; I was a talkin' of Life in the Country. But the wust of it is, when galls come on the carpet, I could talk all day; for the dear little critters, I do love 'em, that's a fact. Lick! it sets me crazy a'most.

Gallophasis, young of. Galls. Gallus bankiva, neck-hackles of. Gallus Stanleyi, pugnacity of the male.

"Now I don't call the lead Washingtons nor the heavey horse either on 'em a case of cheat; but I do think a man ought to know how to read a law and how to read an advertisement, don't you? But come, let us go ashore, and see how the galls look, for you have raised my curiosity."

But to define it briefly and quickly, as Minister used to say, if it can be done at all, which I don't think it can, all I can say is, as galls say to conundrums, "I can't, so I give it up. What is it?" Perhaps it's my own fault, for dear old Mr Hopewell used to say, "Sam, your head ain't like any one else's. Most men's minds resembles what appears on the water when you throw a stone in it.

She hid her face in her arm and waited for the new harshness to strike. "Get up and come in, Susie." The voice was kind, was pitying not with the pity that galls, but with the pity of one who understands and feels and is also human, the pity that soothes. At least to this woman she was not outcast.

Seated for hours before a sprig of terebinth, his eye, armed with the magnifying glass, follows the slow manoeuvres of the terebinth louse, whose proboscis "cunningly distils the venom which causes the leaf to swell and produces those enormous tumours, those misshapen and monstrous galls, in which the young pass their period of slumber."

I wonder if it is the same little fellow that built its nest in an old shoe in the same closet last year, and, among other mischief, removed the white grub in a similar lot of specimen galls which I also missed, and subsequently found in the shoe and scattered on the closet floor? I have mentioned the murmur of the bees, but the incessant buzzing of flies and wasps is an equally prominent sound.

The Colonel walked about the parlor, inspecting his regiment of lamps. By and by Mr. Geordie entered. "Mph! mph!" he sniffed, as he came in. "You smell of lamp-smoke here." That always galls people, to have a new-comer accuse them of smoke or close air, which they have got used to and do not perceive.

It galls me to think of it, and me doing my best for the Republic and the Empire, denying myself hours of pleasure daily, missing races and all kinds of contests and toiling over documents and estimates and statistics. But it is true.

When the sulphate of iron and the infusion of galls are added together, for the purpose of forming ink, we may presume that the metallic salt or oxide enters into combination with at least four proximate vegetable principles gallic acid, tan, mucilage, and extractive matter all of which appear to enter into the composition of the soluble parts of the gall-nut.