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The excitable peevishness which kindles at trifles, that roughens the daily experience of a million families, that scatters its little stings at the table and by the hearth-stone, what does this but unmixed harm? What ingredient does it furnish but of gall?

"Maybe it is Tom looking for us," said Ruth, chuckling. "The gall of him," exclaimed the heated Copley. Then he made a gesture for silence. A long, quavering "co-ee! co-ee!" came through the mist and from the south. "From one of the islands," said Chess quickly. "What island is that over there?" demanded Ruth, in a whisper. "Isn't it the one we took the first picture on?"

An unspoken prophecy to be verified by bitter tears, and lonely fear that seemed for a moment to turn life's sweetness into bitterness and gall. In the midst of a noisy group, in the dining room, she found Charles drinking the wine as it gave its color aright in the cup.

"That was a short story, but to-morrow night I will tell you why the Deer-people have no gall on their livers; and why the Antelope-people do not wear dew-claws, for you should know that there are no other animals with cloven hoofs that are like them in this. "I am tired to-night, and I will ask that you go to your lodges, that I may sleep, for I am getting old. Ho!"

In spite of the landvogt of the Five Cantons, who had gone to prevent them, they made their appearance there, and the church-regulations of Zurich were introduced under the very eyes of the Catholic envoys. The Toggenburgers also, through the undeniable influence of Zwingli, rose up against the ecclesiastical supremacy of their liege-lord, the Abbot of St. Gall.

So it is hard to live a good and happy life in Marriage bonds that bind and gall the heart that wears them. I used to be a farmer, and I then learned that a balky horse would often work well in an easy harness, while a good horse would be tricky and stubborn in a collar that chafed.

In a way I was sorry for him; a poor half-witted wretch, whose life had been full of such gall and wormwood. What a different fate was his to mine, I thought. I had endured but one short night of agony; how trifling it seemed compared to HIS hourly remorse and suffering!

I offered to go to Toledo with Conyngham, but he laughed at me for a useless old priest, and said that the saddle would gall me. He paused, looking at her beneath his shaggy brows, knowing, as he had always known, that this was a woman beyond his reach cleverer, braver, of a higher mind than her sisters one to whom he might perchance tender some small assistance, but nothing better.

It was gall and wormwood to the old man, but it had to be swallowed. "So you are coming around to ask a favor of Ford?" said the young man unfeelingly. "He won't help you out. You mustn't forget that you kicked him out of the family; or rather you kicked him to prevent his getting into it." "But think of the profit to him!" protested the president.

It requires a great deal of cheek and gall, and I was always endowed with both that is, they used to say so down South. We had a great "graft," before the war, on the Upper Mississippi, between St. Louis and St. Charles. We would go up on a boat and back by rail.