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Alarmed at the prospect of having to manage or lease the market-garden and the farm of her father, Madame Lemprun entreated Brigitte, whose honesty and capacity astonished her, to wind up old Galard's affairs, and to settle the property in such a way that her daughter should take possession of everything, securing to her mother fifteen hundred francs a year and the house at Auteuil.

Sending his card to the Judges instead of calling in person! What a blunder! And so, three days after, Savaron had ceased to exist. He took as his servant old Monsieur Galard's man Galard being dead Jerome, who can cook a little. Albert Savaron was all the more completely forgotten, because no one had seen him or met him anywhere." "Then, does he not go to mass?" asked Madame de Chavoncourt.

"Madame," said Monsieur de Soulas, addressing the Baroness, while waiting till his soup was cool enough to swallow, and affecting to give a romantic turn to his narrative, "one fine morning the mail coach dropped at the Hotel National a gentleman from Paris, who, after seeking apartments, made up his mind in favor of the first floor in Mademoiselle Galard's house, Rue du Perron.

"The first time I saw him," said the Abbe de Grancey, "he received me in his outer room next the ante-room old Galard's drawing-room which he has had painted like old oak, and which I found entirely lined with law-books, arranged on shelves also painted as old oak.