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I acknowledged the compliment, but gently rebuked the expression. "Fust-rate," "prime," "a prime article," "a superior piece of goods," "a handsome garment," "a gent in a flowered vest," all such expressions are final. They blast the lineage of him or her who utters them, for generations up and down.

He drew out his spectacles and peered at it, almost rubbing the paint with his great nose. "It's Andy!" he said with shrewd delight. "It's Andy! And it's the spittin' image of him!" He pushed up the glasses, beaming upon Andrew. Andrew returned the look somberly. "It's a good likeness, you think, do you?" "Fust-rate, Andy, fust-rate; couldn't be better."

Didn't go half so hard with her when her other sister married. Yes-sir!" said the old man, by way of sweeping conclusion, as he rose to his feet "Marthy's the on'y one of 'em 'at never married both the others is gone Morris went all through the army and got back safe and sound 's livin' in Idyho, and doin' fust-rate. Sends me a letter ever' now and then.

Wall, I don't s'pose there had been a teacher in our deestrict for years and years that gin' better satisfaction than Ardelia Tutt. Good soft little creeter, the scholars any one of 'em felt above hurtin' on her or plagin' her any way. She sort a made 'em feel they had to take care on her, she wuz so sort a helpless actin', and good natured, and yet her learnin' wuz good, fust-rate.

"How is Miss Warren?" he asked, mentioning the name with a nonchalance remarkable, considering that he had not done so before for weeks. "She is well, I hope?" "Yes, she's fust-rate, thank you. Very well, everything considered. She keeps to herself a good deal. Don't care to meet many folks, and you can't hardly blame her."

Yes, and on another that that cake is fust-rate. I'll take a second piece, if you've no objection, Mrs. Hepton." When they were alone once more, in the captain's room, Pearson vented his indignation. "Why didn't you give them as good as they sent?" he demanded. "Couldn't you see they were doing their best to hurt your feelings?" "Ya-as. I could see it. Didn't need any specs to see that."

If I had a daughter who lacked the brains to understand what I had taught her, that is, her duty as a member of good society, and talked of making a love match, I would.... But there! You can't understand, I suppose." She rose and shook the wrinkles from her gown. Captain Elisha straightened in his chair. "Why, yes, ma'am," he drawled, quietly; "yes, ma'am, I guess I understand fust-rate."

Hobbs, "he's pervided for between us, if he aint a earl." "So he is," said Dick. "I'd ha' stood by him. Blest if I didn't like that little feller fust-rate." The very next morning, one of Dick's customers was rather surprised. He was a young lawyer just beginning practice as poor as a very young lawyer can possibly be, but a bright, energetic young fellow, with sharp wit and a good temper.

Or, to use another illustration, writing or printing is like shooting with a rifle; you may hit your reader's mind, or miss it; but talking is like playing at a mark with the pipe of an engine; if it is within reach, and you have time enough, you can't help hitting it." The company agreed that this last illustration was of superior excellence, or, in the phrase used by them, "Fust-rate."

Through a shattered gate they waded into a little garden, which had been the pride of the season at Bruntsea; and there from the ground they tore up a pole, with a board at the top nailed across it, and the following not rare legend: "Lodgings to let. Inquire within. First floor front, and back parlors." "Fust-rate thing to steer with! Would never have believed you had the sense!"