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"He says he'll take the boat anyhow, and not pay them Kaws any such hold-up price like they ask." "All I got to say is, I wish we were across," grumbled Wingate, stooping to the bacon spider. "Huh! So do I me and my bureau and my hens. Yes, after you've fussed around a while you men'll maybe come to the same conclusion your head cowguard had; you'll be making more boats and doing less swimming.

The junior members of his law firm knew that he had taken much to heart the case of the citizens of Danburg, who had been blocked in their honest efforts to build a water system and who now charged various high interests with conspiracy. The litigation was important the issues revolutionary. But the juniors had never seen the chief fussed up by any law case before.

Whatever it might be, Bland would do it with two guns and a headstrong young man just behind him. The thrum of the motor stuttered a little on the last upward turn. Bland straightened out the plane, fussed with the spark and the gas, banked cautiously around and headed for home.

She was a young lady, of slight and elegant figure; with a sweet and lovely face, round, arch, full of liveliness, merriment, and volatility, which were expressed in every glance of her sparkling eyes. And while the man fidgeted and the woman fussed, this young person stood with admirable self-possession, looking round inquiringly, as though she too might be expecting some one.

I'm not given to talkin' over Master Jerry's private affairs, sir, but it's all in the family, like, though I wouldn't 'ave Master Jerry know " "Master Jerry will not know." "Well, Mr. Canby, if you'd ask my hopinion, sir, I'd say that this young lady sayin' no names, sir is doin' no good to Master Jerry. She's always got 'im fussed, sir, an' irritable.

Terry came running to him, flushed with her excitement, and shoved the glasses up to his eyes. Temple dodged, fussed with the focussing apparatus, lowered the glasses, and blinked down the road. "It's just a wagon, ain't it?" he demanded. "Looks like " Again she snatched the binoculars. "A lot of men are standing up," she announced.

Mollie, are you crazy?" she shouted wildly. "You'll be killed " Automatically Grace started to clamber to the road, but Mollie still fussed with brakes and levers, her lips in a tight line, her eyes blazing. "Something's wrong but I'll get her started," she muttered over and over to herself while Betty raged at her from the road. "Get out! get out!" fumed the Little Captain.

I thought nothing then of any appearances but obstacles, but for all that the back of my mind took the photographic memory of it complete and vivid.... "This," it came to me, "is England. That is what I wanted to give in my book. This!" We started in the late afternoon. We throbbed out of our yard above Hammersmith Bridge, fussed about for a moment, and headed down stream.

"Kel, something may happen yet before I get up to the plate," he said. "But if it doesn't " Then he strode out, knocked the dirt from his spikes, and stepped into position. Something about Reddy at that moment, or something potent in the unforeseen play to come, quieted the huge crowd. Salisbury might have sensed it. He fussed with the ball and took a long while to pitch.

And she added that this anxiety was fitful to a degree: at times the minister could hardly take a walk without being fussed over and forced to change his socks on his return; at others, and for days together, his wife would resign the care of him to Providence, or at any rate to Fate, and trouble herself not at all about his goings-out or his comings-in, nor whether he wore a great-coat or not, nor if he returned wet to the skin and neglected to change his wear.