United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But beware of the land that has been truly worn out under a good rotation, which avoids the insects and diseases of the single crop system, and also furnishes regularly a moderate amount of clover roots which decay very rapidly and thus stimulate the decomposition of the old humus and the liberation of mineral plant food from the soil. Perhaps you have heard of Rothamsted.

It is the most certain crop requires the least preparation of the ground is most congenial to a virgin soil needs not only the least amount of labor in its culture, but comes to maturity in the shortest time. The pith of the matured stalk of the corn is esculent and nutritious; and the stalk itself, compressed between rollers, furnishes what is known as corn-stalk molasses."

Wrapping a cloth round his head, he returned to court, and the two men coming in again presently, he thus decided the question: "No man can bite his own ear, but in trying to do so he may fall down and break his head." A Sinhalese story, which is also well known in various forms in India, furnishes a still more remarkable example of forensic sagacity.

Justice furnishes no exception in his favour, and the rights of the Peers must be assured. Those honours are not to pass to his children, should he marry and have any, or their restitution be considered as a precedent to be made use of at any future time.

This well descends to the depth of three thousand eight hundred and forty-three feet, but the water which it furnishes is small in quantity and of a quality that cannot be used for ordinary domestic purposes. The bore has a diameter of six inches to the depth of 425 feet, and after that it is reduced to four inches.

Every regiment has its club, and, what is odd, the navy furnishes many crack players. It is the favorite par excellence at all schools, colleges and universities; every county, every town and every village has its local club; while the I Zingari and its host of rivals serve to focus the ubiquitous talent of All England.

Charles E. McChesney, U. S. A., who for some time was stationed among the Wahpeton and Sisseton Sioux, furnishes a detailed and interesting account of what is called the "ghost gamble." This is played with marked wild-plum stones. So far as ascertained it is peculiar to the Sioux.

It is said of course, without any allusion to nurture, education, environment, opportunity that such extreme variations as we call genius are much commoner amongst men than women: and then that the male sex also furnishes an undue proportion of the insane as if there were no unequal incidence of alcohol and syphilis, the great factors of insanity, upon the two sexes.

Such judgments, in so far as they are not based on higher and more general cognitions, are termed "principles," and the system of them to be given, with the table of the categories as a guide, in the Analytic of Principles or the Doctrine of the Faculty of Judgment furnishes the outlines of "pure natural science."

"There is no need for poets to invent," he adds, "while nature furnishes us with such marvellous little sprites ready to hand." But these beautiful little creatures require a separate description. The topaz humming-bird is perhaps the most resplendent and beautiful of its tribe.