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One day, whilst under sail, we were becalmed near a small island, but little elevated above the level of the water, and resembling a green meadow. The captain ordered his sails to be furled, and permitted such persons as were so inclined to land; of this number I was one.

A couple of minutes later the anchor was let go abreast of and scarcely half a mile distant from a small battery, the guns of which commanded the vessels we were about to attack, and the canvas was very smartly clewed up and furled. The men were still aloft when the battery, which had hoisted Spanish colours, opened fire upon us, the first shot severing our larboard main- topgallant back-stay.

In an instant the captain has ordered the sails to be furled, and the anchor dropped from the stern. One moment of terrible anxiety, and all is well. The "Chancellor" tacks to stern, and glides back into the basin, which is once more her prison. "Well, captain," says the boatswain, "what's to be done now?" "I don't know" said Curtis, "but we shall get across somehow." NOVEMBER 21st to 24th.

I would that wherever our flag was planted the feeble or oppressed peoples of earth might gather under it, saying, 'Under this banner is freedom and justice which knows no race or colour. I wish that on our banner were blazoned in large letters "Justice and Mercy", and that in every new land which our feet touch, every son among us might see ever blazoned above his head that banner, and below it the great order: "By this sign, Conquer!" and that the pirate flag which some men now wave in its place, may be torn down and furled for ever!

As soon as the sails were furled, one or two gentlemen, who resided there, came on board to pay their respects to Lord B.; and, as Pickersgill had found out from Cecilia that her father was acquainted with no one there, he received them in person; asked them down in the cabin; called for wine; and desired them to send their boat away, as his own was going on shore.

"Oh, our jolly privateer Has left old England's shore! Lord, send us lots of prizes, But no Yankee man-of-war." Soon after leaving Martinique, the "Alabama" made a capture which embarrassed the captain not a little by its size. Now was the time for a big haul; and the "Alabama's" canvas was furled, and her steam-gear put in running order.

It became immediately necessary to roll the sail up, lest its flapping should alarm the watchful monster, and this delayed us sufficiently to allow the other boats to shoot ahead of us. Thus the second mate got fast some seconds before we arrived on the scene, seeing which we furled sail, unshipped the mast, and went in on him with the oars only.

They obtained financial arrangements of the most generous character, and, thereafter, the battle-flags were furled. Within five years of Disestablishment the Episcopalian Synod was praising it as the happiest event in the life of that Church.

Immediately every inch of canvas was close furled, every light carefully extinguished, a hundred and twenty men with cutlasses at quarters, and the ship under bare poles. The strange sail could be seen through the night-glasses; she now burned a blue light without doubt an old fellow-cruiser of ours, the Spark. "She is from Santa Martha with a freight of specie, I know," said Williamson.

We rounded Kent Island, which lay green and beautiful in the flashing waters, and at length caught sight of the old windmill, with its great arms majestically turning, and the cupola of Carvel House shining white among the trees; and of the upper spars of the shipping, with sails neatly furled, lying at the long wharves, where the English wares Mr.