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Think you I had no object in all my restrictions of time, of secrecy and darkness? I had. One hour in the society of Miss Walton, convinced me of her unsullied purity, and another of your baseness. I resolved to save her at all hazards; and I did. My only regret now is, that I made myself the victim instead of her!" "H ll and furies!" "Even, am I not?" "May the devil take you!"

And then he heard the uncanny shouting of the newsboys as if those dead girls had risen from their ashes and were running like flaming furies through the city streets, flinging handfuls of their fire into a million homes, shaking New York into a realization of its careless, guilty heart, crying for vengeance, stirring horror and anger and pity. Who was the guilty one, if not he, the boss?

Tantalus, in spite of his thirst, stopped for a moment his efforts for water, Ixion's wheel stood still, the vulture ceased to tear the giant's liver, the daughters of Danaus rested from their task of drawing water in a sieve, and Sisyphus sat on his rock to listen. Then for the first time, it is said, the cheeks of the Furies were wet with tears.

As Church-doctor I will teach bishops and priests as well as monarchs and other grandees of the kingdoms of this world, when they will be ready to hear the Heavenly voice which is made manifest through so feeble an instrument as I am, how to pacify the furies into which men are converted by murders and how to draw them into the resurrection, that is, from their low to a higher condition.

And through his thoughts, furies of distress and fear pursued him now as always. 'Well, this is a queer go, isn't it? said Watson, in a half-whispering voice. 'Nature has horrid ways of killing you. I wish she'd chosen a more expeditious one with me. Fenwick sat down beside his friend, the lamp-light in the old panelled room revealing, against his will, his perturbed and shaken expression.

O tearful sight! where the moral Socrates, whose acts were virtue and whose discourse was science, who deduced political justice from the principles of nature, is seen enslaved to some rascal robber. We bemoan Pythagoras, the parent of harmony, as, brutally scourged by the harrying furies of war, he utters not a song but the wailings of a dove.

For some time they would whirl and turn round and round like a dense cloud over their abandoned home, imitating, in a most perfect way, those furies we see in certain engravings representing the infernal regions, and then, flying off a short distance, would perch upon the trees in a neighbouring isle.

What I now suffered was called illness a headache: I accepted the baptism. But what bodily illness was ever like this pain? This certainty that he was gone without a farewell this cruel conviction that fate and pursuing furies a woman's envy and a priest's bigotry would suffer me to see him no more?

The Christmas sun will shine on a pauper's empty cot in a charity hospital; on a disgraced, insulted, forsaken convict. Take away this last mockery, it is more than I can bear. There on the back in gilt letters Prize Card Three Hundred Dollars! Yet a stranger paid for my mother's coffin, and . Three hundred furies to lash my heart out! Too late! Take it away! too late! oh, too late!

Then came despair and frenzy, and, like furies, lashed her with whips of scorpions, goading her with the memory of her abominations and idolatries, and her infinite and varied iniquities. They showed her, as in a swiftly-fleeting vision, all who had suffered wrong by her, or whom her malice had afflicted in body or estate. They mocked her with a glimpse of the paradise she had forfeited.