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All this, too, amid screams and fiendish laughter that resembled an orgie of furies. These women she-devils they better deserved to be called were simply following out the teachings of their inhuman faith among religions, even that of Rome not excepted, the most inhuman that has ever cursed mankind.

Heralded by a courier in advance, and by the cracking of his postilions' whips, which twined snake-like about their heads in the evening air, as if he came attended by the Furies, Monsieur the Marquis drew up in his travelling carriage at the posting-house gate. It was hard by the fountain, and the peasants suspended their operations to look at him.

I have need of them. Let them come hither. Later, cast them from the battlements or how many priests have ye on hand?" "The day's results are meagre, good my lord. An abbot and a dozen beggarly friars is all we have." "Hell and furies! Is the estate going to seed? Send hither the mountebanks. Afterward, broil them with the priests." The robed and close-cowled harlequins entered.

When I went there I was taken to the cabinet of the Duchesse d'Orleans, when I learnt that she had just been made acquainted with the abominable reports spread against her husband and daughter. We deplored together the misfortune of having to do with such furies. The Duchess protested that there was not even any seeming in favour of these calumnies.

See, Ida, how she rushes about, sprinkling the room with water from the rivers of hell! And Veia, whose cruel heart never felt remorse! Yes, he knew them well, Horace. These furies were the women he had loved and wooed! Fancies, memories flitted across his disordered brain, swift as lightning flashes.

And now the vast assemblage listens to the awful voice of the chorus personating the Furies, which in solemn guise advances with measured step, and moves around the circuit of the theatre. Can they be mortal women who compose that awful group, and can that vast concourse of silent forms be living beings!

What will become of the woman who loves you? Where will you fall while she leans on you for support? With what face will you one day bury your pale and wretched creature, just as she buried the last man who protected her? Yes, yes, you will doubtless have to bury her, for your love kills and consumes; you have devoted her to the Furies and it is she who appeases them.

The beseeching tones of Orpheus, and the inexorable "No!" of the furies, made every listener tremble. Even Hasse, overcome by the sublimity of the music, bowed his head with the rest; and Metastasio, enraptured with the words, murmured, "Ah, che poesia divina!" Murmurs of applause were heard from every side of the theatre; they grew with every scene, and at last burst forth in wild shouts.

Something has happened can't you tell me?" "I couldn't bear to lie awake in my room till morning. I hate my room at Aunt Julia's so I came here " She stirred suddenly, broke from her apathy, and clung to Gerty in a fresh burst of fear. "Oh, Gerty, the furies . . . you know the noise of their wings alone, at night, in the dark? But you don't know there is nothing to make the dark dreadful to you "

'Racks and flames! squeaked Megæra. 'It is impossible. 'Eternal torture! moaned Alecto. ''Tis a lie. 'Not Jupiter himself should convince us! the Furies joined in infernal chorus. ''Tis nevertheless true,'calmly observed the beautiful Clotho. 'You will soon have the honour of being presented to her, added the serene Lachesis.