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"Nay, you're mistaken there, neighbor. You and I will travel until we feel that it ain't best for us to go any furder. Enoch'll keep up till he drops. He won't hold us back." And it was true.

"I know where there are three of 'em. And there may be others down the lake furder." "You shall have charge of this, Bolderwood!" the commander cried. "I make you our captain of scouts. Take any reasonable number of men with you and hurry ahead. Every moment is precious." "Good!" said the ranger. "With Smith and Brown I won't need but eight or ten more. And I'll begin by taking young Nuck here.

‘I’ve no doubt the gen’lm’n would ha’ been here, replied the stranger, ‘if he hadn’t happened to call at our house first; but we never trusts no gen’lm’n furder nor we can see himno mistake about that there’added the unknown, with a facetious grin; ‘beg your pardon, sir, no offence meant, onlyonce in, and I wish you maycatch the idea, sir?’ Mr.

If you don't git no track in fifty mile, swing around to the southeast, an' cut the main drive trail an' see if you hear of anything that-away. If you don't git no trace by that, you better come on back in an' tell me, an' then we'll see what to do about it furder." "All right, Bill," said Curly, rising and taking a chew of tobacco, in which the sheriff joined him. "All right.

Come, man Time flies; let us wet his wings, and keep him fluttering a while over our heads. "'With an O and an I, Now are we furder found, Drink thou to me, and I to thee, And let the cup go round." "But wha, in the Devil's name, are ye?" now said Rob Paterson, after many an ineffectual effort to put the question.

"The fire is a hot un," he said at length, "and it runs three feet to our two. We may git there ahead of it, for there isn't more than a mile furder to go; but Lord!" exclaimed the trapper, "how it roars! and it makes its own wind as it comes on. Don't break yer paddle shaft, boy; but the shaft is a good un and ye may put all the strength into it that ye think it will stand."

"And he says that the prayer-meeting hinders the work, Jem?" "Clar, missis, Mass' Ed'ards got long head; he see furder den me," Jem said, shaking his own head as, if the whole thing were beyond him. I let him go. But a day or two after I attacked Margaret on the subject. She and Jem, I knew, were particular friends. Margaret was oracular and mysterious, and looked like a thunder cloud.

Come the second run the Gin'ral made, peered like Henry set out to 'lect him all by hisself. He wore every horse on the place out, ridin' to rallies. Sometimes he was gone three days at a stretch. He'd git one place an' hear of a rally on ten miles or so furder, an' blest if he didn't ride plum acrost the state 'fore he got through with one trip.

'Trust me, I will indeed, said I, shaking hands with Ham earnestly. 'Thankee. Thankee, very kind, sir. One thing furder. I'm in good employ, you know, Mas'r Davy, and I han't no way now of spending what I gets. Money's of no use to me no more, except to live. If you can lay it out for him, I shall do my work with a better art.

And here was a bridge way up in the air crossin' the river for wagons and people, and furder down a railroad bridge, and you could look up or down the river for miles. Says I to Mitch, "How do you like this?" Says he, "Wal, sir, I just feel as if I could fly, I am that happy."