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However, when the doors were thrown open, I very quickly, with a profound reverence, obtained my prize, and at once confiding to her for had I deliberated I should have been lost the remainder of the pleasing duty it had been predestined I was to have the honour to perform, we glided through couples darting in various directions for similar objects, until, finding ourselves in a formal procession sufficiently near to the lady in question, we proceeded, at a funereal pace, towards our doom, which proved to be a most delightful one.

I looked away only to perceive something pitiless, belittling, and cruel in the precipitous immobility of the sheer walls, in the dark funereal green of the foliage, in the falling shadows, in the remoteness of the sky. The unconsciousness of matter hinted at a weird and mysterious antagonism.

Old Meg, moving to and fro, kept shaking her head like her master, as if she also were in the secret of some house-misery; but she was only indulging the funereal temperament of an ancient woman.

While speaking of the ill-paid class of women, I must mention that the most sentimental of our occupations earns the least bread. Those who make crowns of immortelles to hang upon the tombs, only earn about sevenpence-halfpenny a day. That trade is, in very truth, funereal.

The kind old dame, remembering her grief at the secret burial of her noble friend, obtained permission to lay her by his side, and, with the fierce howlings of the tempest for her funereal dirge, they consigned Inez the proud, beautiful, gifted, yet unfortunate Inez to rest. Peace, Inez, to thy memory, and may the sod lie lightly on thy early grave!

The long moss, reaching from the overhanging branches to the water, gave to the surroundings a most weird and funereal aspect. On May 29 we reached Lake Harney, whence we determined to make the portage to Indian River. O'Toole was sent to look for some means of moving our boat. He returned next day with two small black bulls yoked to a pair of wheels such as are used by lumbermen.

For instance, in the description of the tombs of the Medici, Mr. Harford writes of the famous figures of Aurora and Twilight, Day and Night: "The four figures that adorn the tombs are allegorical; and they are specially worthy of notice, because they first set the example of connecting ornamental appendages of this description with funereal monuments.

The huge funereal minutes conducted their sonorous hearse, the hour. It struck in the bed-room: Three. No more than three of the clock, it was the voice telling of half the precious restorative night-hours wasted.

I thought these very large chrysanthemums I chose them on purpose " "Hideous you're a perfect fright! Look at me. Is there anything to laugh at in my velvet bonnet? Does it poke itself on the back of my head? And does it deck itself in pink and yellow?" "It looks funereal, Martha, it's all black." "Funereal! It looks suitable. Come on, or we'll be late." The two ladies left the house.

The towns on its banks dwindled into huge funereal urns, surrounding the vast corpse of the Nile as in a tomb. At this I awoke and caused the interpreters of dreams to be summoned. None could explain the vision, till at last the priests of the Libyan Ammon gave me the following interpretation 'Tentcheta will die in giving birth to a son.