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None of them are without their merit, though none enter into competition with this universal presiding idea of the art. And yet it was in following an example set by Hogarth in portrait painting that Reynolds gained his first success in that art. I mean the full-length portrait of Captain Keppel, painted in 1752.

The neck may be cut square, round or heart-shaped, and elbow-length sleeves or full-length lace sleeves are preferred. The sleeveless' gown is rarely worn by the young debutante. The debutante who wears many jewels displays poor taste. Just a string of softly glowing pearls, or one small diamond brooch, is sufficient.

The Invader, it might almost have been called, this full-length, life-size portrait, which, in the illumination of a lamp turned full upon it, seemed to take possession of the small room, to dominate at the end of the polished-oak table, where the light of shaded candles fell on old blue plates, old Venetian glass, a bit of old Italian brocade, and chrysanthemums in a china bowl coveted by collectors.

The housekeeper, who was too dignified to take down the covering herself, went to find the servant, but Miss Earle, with a gesture of impatience, grasped the cloth and tore it from its place, revealing the full-length portrait of a young lady. Morris looked at the portrait in astonishment, and then at the girl by his side. "Why, Katherine," he cried, "it is your picture!"

Roving along the wall, his glance rested again upon the largest of the Virgin pictures a full-length figure in sweeping draperies, its radiant, aureoled head upturned in rapt adoration, its feet resting on a crescent moon which shone forth in bluish silver through festooned clouds of cherubs.

There is a full-length of his eldest son, an officer of dragoons, leaning on his charger; and a portrait of Lady Scott, a brunette, with black hair and eyes, very pretty, warm, vivacious, and un-English in her aspect.

Martin had in the meantime made himself as comfortable as circumstances would permit, by constructing before the fire a temporary sofa of three chairs with Mercy's stool for a pillow, and lying down at full-length upon it. 'Don't be too loud, please, he said to Pinch. 'No, no, said Tom. 'You're sure you're not cold' 'Not at all! cried Tom. 'I am quite ready, then.

There were two large full-length photographs of Diana, one in evening dress and the other as the Vicomte had first seen her, in riding breeches and short jacket, her hat and whip lying at her feet, and the bridle of the horse that was standing beside her over her arm.

We have here a full-length portrait of the prime minister, or vizier, which brings out three points his elevation, his naturalisation, and his administration. Joseph had not only interpreted Pharaoh's dream, but had suggested a policy in preparation for the coming famine. He had recommended the appointment of 'a wise and discreet man, with supreme authority over the land.

It was known to its familiars as 'The Crib, but was registered by the authorities as the 'Father Mahony, who was represented on the sign-post by a full-length portrait of James the Second. What gave me most satisfaction was to observe that the building was conveniently situated for a sack. "When night set in I marched the Norfolk's men in close order, and as secretly as possible, to the Cove.