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"Yer a hell sight better lookin' then I thought yer wus, an' a damn sight younger. Whar wus it yer cum frum?" "Frum Saint Louee, on the boat, if thet's what yer drivin' at." "Tain't what I'm drivin' at. Whar else did yer cum frum afore then? Yer ain't got no bum's face." "Oh, I see; well, I can't help that, kin I? I wus raised down in Mississip', an' run away when I wus fourteen.

"I judged it shore lay in this direction, but like yuh says, it must'a ben a steamer out yonder on the gulf mebbe thet rev'nue boat they done tole us to watch out fur er else some o' them spongers frum up Tarpon Springs way. Anyhow, I got all I wants o' exercise so I move weuns call hit a day an' get back to the shanty."

An' what ye goin' to do when the 'Gull' stops cruisin' fur the season, an' ye can't get a word frum the city?" This was a contingency for which Noll had made no calculation. Not hear a word from Hastings for a whole long winter? "Well," he said at last, "that isn't pleasant to think of, but I'll manage somehow, skipper.

It's wrapped in lead 'cos otherwise it 'ud make sores on you when you carry it about. It's workin', workin' all the time, frum what I kin make out. "Well, 'cordin' ter ther way Blue Nose Sanchez tells it, Foxy and the man who knew about the island and had a rough plan of it the Injuns drew fer him, had a fight, and Foxy kills him, or thinks he has.

I ax pardon of all I hev hurt, an' forgive ary who has harmed me." Then his mind began to wander, and he thought himself in the church where he had found peace in his soul. "You'uns is right, Preacher Very, whisky makin', sellin' an' drinkin' is wrong; and I'll quit it for good frum dis night on. O dat sweet music, how good it makes me feel! 'Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly.

I hed n't much more nor got home frum down east, when the Injuns burnt thet down; an' sence then I ain't bin much o' nowhar, but I reckon'd I 'd go inter ther Fort to-morrow and git some grub."

Many ships landed there and I knowed I could get my way back at least to de West Indies, where I come frum. I showed my papers to everybody dat mounted ter anything and dey knowed I was a free nigger. I had plenty of money on me and I made a big ter do mong de other free men I met. One day I went to the slave market and watched em barter off po niggers lake dey was hogs.

"Now ef you wanted to keep in wid Marster Carr don' drap you shoes in de field an' leave 'em he'd beat you; you mus' tote you' shoes frum one field to de tother, didn' a dog ud be bettern you. He'd say 'You gun-haided devil, drappin' you' shoes and eve'thin' over de field'."

"Plenty o' Niggers was out, too, doin' devlishment. Three of 'em got 'rested an' dey had de trial Monday. In de meantime, all de Yankee-lovin' Niggers had a big meetin' an' de loudes' mouf dere was dat big buck Nigger Bill. He all time call hisse'f Dennis when he don' call hisse'f Clopton. Here dey goes, all het up frum makin' speeches an' a-drinkin', an' packs de courtroom full. When Mr.

It's hell when English sailormen has got ter take orders frum a damned nigger, an' be knocked 'round if they don't jump when he barks. He's goin' ter get a knife in his ribs sum day." "Maybe he is; but yer better hold yer tongue, Tom. Sanchez don't stand fer thet talk, an' he's back o' LeVere. Let's go in; them gaskets will hold all right now cum 'long."