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You bet dar is a knot-hole, not fur off frum de gran'-stan', neither, an' a tree, too, you could climb, stan's mighty handy." The Colonel groaned. "I climb a tree to peek above a race-track fence!" said he. "No; never. They'd think I was trying to save my admission fee! The knot-hole will have to do for me, Neb. You've saved me. Heaven bless you! Have a cigar they're good."

Janet started and then stood rigidly intent. "Smirched?" she repeated slowly, "what do you mean?" And yet as she asked the question, light was borne in upon her, light that had had its origin in the awakened womanhood. "I kind o' guess you know what I mean, Janet; an' I wish t' the Lord I had let you help frum the start.

"Honey, you were right when you guessed that Aunt Sharley has been holdin' somethin' back frum you durin' this past week; but she's been tellin' you the truth too in a way of speakin'. She ain't got any money saved up or at least ef she's got any at all it ain't ez much ez you imagine. Whut she's got laid by kin only represent the savin's of four or five years, not of a whole lifetime.

John tol' Marse George to pick hisself out a pair of darkies to mate so's he could git hisself a start of darkies fer to chop his cotton an' like. So Marse George pick out my pappy fust. My pappy come frum North Ca'lina. Den he seen my mammy an' she was big an' strengthy an' he wanted her pow'ful bad.

At last, about midnight, she dressed and went up to Davy. He was standing near the entrance of the lamp, and his tired face was drawn and pitiful. "By gum!" he ejaculated when he saw the girl. "This wind comes straight frum Greenland's icy mountains, an' ain't losin' any of its temper as it comes. The waves could be seen over the dunes, long 'fore sundown; an' jest hear that." "What is it, Davy?"

"Then it is just as I thought; those fellows will turn north before they get that far, and will run straight into Maxwell. What do you say, Sam?" The scout lolled carelessly in the saddle, his eyes on the river, his lean, brown face expressionless. "I reckon as how it don't make no great difference what I say," he answered soberly. "Yer ain't taken no advice frum me yit, fur as I remember.

It's frum Ireland frum the town of Kilmare, where your people came frum. It was sent to me by a firm of barristers in that town lawyers we'd call 'em. In this letter they ask me to find you and to tell you whut's happened.

I hoed corn, tatahs, garden onions, and hepped take cair de hosses, mules an oxen. Say I could hoe onions goin' backwards. Yessuh, I cud." "De first money I see wuz what I got frum sum soljers fo' sellin' dem a bucket of turtl' eggs. Dat wuz de day I run away to see sum Yankee steamboats filled with soljers." "Marse Dick, Marse Beckwith's son used to go fishin' with me.

"Me an' Jamie wor pirta sack people, purty damned rough, too, but yer Ma was a piece ov fine linen frum th' day she walked down this road wi' yer Dah till this minit whin she's waitin' fur ye in the corner. Ivery Sunday I've gone in jist t' hai a crack wi' 'er an' d' ye know, bhoy, I got out o' that crack somethin' good fur th' week.

Whut's the good of my bein' the circuit judge of this district without I've got influence enough with the county clerk to see that a small real-estate transaction kin be kept frum pryin' eyes?