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Standing well back in a garden, denuded now, but very pleasant in summer, and immediately fronted by a fine sweep of balustraded terrace, it looked, what indeed it was, and always had been, the residence of unpretentious folk who found more interest in husbandry than in adventure.

Talmage secured a Chinese house and shop a mile or more away from the original headquarters and this became the missionary's home and preaching place. It was on the north side of the city in a densely populated neighborhood known as "Tek-chhiu-Kha," or "At the Foot of the Bamboos." It fronted one of the main thoroughfares of the city.

He saw men going busily about, talking in groups and standing alone, and all with consternation upon their faces. The quiet streets were alive with them. Something had happened that day in Bologna, some catastrophe. Or news had come that day, bad news. Wogan did not stop to inquire. He drove at a gallop straight to a long white house which fronted the street.

The telegraph office fronted the head of the street which they had ascended. "You can sit here in the apothecary's till I come down," he said. "Do you think that will be professionally appropriate? I am only a nurse now." "No, I wasn't thinking of that. But I saw a chair in there. And we can make a pretense of wanting some soda.

Lucien had hardly finished his examination of the owl when he was called upon to witness another incident of a still more exciting nature. A hill, as already mentioned, or rather a ridge, rose up from the opposite shore of the lake by which the camp was pitched. The declivity of this hill fronted the lake, and sloped gradually back from the edge of the water.

There were some stones thrown, a few blows were struck, but no rifle-shot broke the brief struggle. The young officer strode forward down the open space, and fronted our advance. "I presume this is Captain Wells, from Fort Wayne?" he said, lifting his cap as he spoke. "It is," was the reply, "and I am very glad to find that you still hold Fort Dearborn."

Cartwright's white mustache bristled, his face was red, and his eyes were very steady. It was not for nothing the old ship-owner had fronted disappointed investors and forced his will on shareholders' meetings. Shillito saw the fellow was dangerous. "I'll call you," he said, using a gambler's phrase. "Very well," said Cartwright.

'I was afraid once too, but my father and mother are here, and I am never afraid when I am with them. "He took my hand, and led me through a dark passage that fronted the gate. When we came to a little door at the end, he tapped. A boy, still younger than himself, opened it to receive us. Mountford entered with a look in which was pictured the benign assurance of a superior being.

Then, all at once, Sir Mortimer was on his feet and had caught up a heavy riding-whip, and thus he and Barnabas fronted each other, eye to eye, each utterly still, yet very much on the alert. But now upon this tense silence came the soft, smooth tones of Mr. Chichester: "Pray, Mr. Beverley, may I speak a word with you in private?" "If the company will excuse us," Barnabas replied; whereupon Mr.

His hands gripped the flag staff with a nervous, straining strength. " patriot " This word followed the first. " places his all " Tim was breathing hard. " at the service " His throat was dry. " of his " Tim's arms trembled. Was there much more? " country," said Ritter, as though he couldn't get the word out fast enough. "End of message." Tim fronted his flag three times.