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They had no proof that this ship was the Maiden Hand, no proof that the whole business wasn't just a wild-goose chase. By the time the dive was over, the sand hose had been rigged. The first group surfaced and Jimmy ordered the fresh group of frogmen to hose out the aft cabins to find anything that might be left. Then the group was to start work on the probable location of the foredeck.

They put on fresh tanks and got their instructions from Chief Sanders. "Longer decompression this time. Stick with me on the way up and move when I move. We don't want you to get the bends." The boys nodded their understanding, then took to the water. The frogmen below were still hosing sand.

He felt the rope tighten as Scotty involuntarily drew away. It was not the octopus, then! It was the brass ball that wailed. But why? For what possible reason? The frogmen were apparently satisfied. One of them picked up the powerful light they had been using and turned it off. Then, with only belt lights, they started back up the reef. Rick waited until the lights were no longer visible.

But it doesn't matter, because you know everything Scotty and I do." "I'll be glad to get actively to work on this confounded business," Zircon stated. "I'm so curious about that brass ball the frogmen had in the cave that I'm about to burst." Rick set a compass course for St. Thomas, flying just under the clouds.

He came to rest above the cave, poised for further flight. Rick swam down to the sandy floor of the cave and began to search for the brass ball. Scotty beckoned, and they swam together toward the spot where Scotty had last seen it. The frogmen swam to the bottom with them, then fanned out, searching.

We flew a team of frogmen down in a Navy amphibian right in the middle of the second storm. They found it, and got the men who were handling it. One of them talked." Jimmy Kelly picked up the story, "You arrived with Zircon at about the same time the St. Croix team took off from our base, and headed right into the storm.

Rick looked at Scotty. "Dive at the wreck?" "Sure. Frogmen or no frogmen, there's still a golden statue of St. Francis somewhere down there." After lunch the boys checked their equipment, being particularly careful because they had not rinsed out the regulators with fresh water after every dive.

As they walked down to the beach he said, "We ought to take a look at the folks who own that boat." And Scotty said in the same breath, "Let's visit the fancy frogmen." They grinned at each other, amused at how much alike their thought processes were. "We'd better approach from the back," Scotty suggested. Rick agreed.

Francis?" Scotty inquired. "There he lies, twenty fathoms down, probably covered with barnacles and waiting to be rescued. And you want to go fogging off with the frogmen." "All right, all right! Don't rub it in. We'll go back to being interested in the bark Maiden Hand. And St. Francis. And pirates. Let's cast off, my hearty." The Danish Pastry was only a few blocks away, and Dr.

"After capturing Tony last night, their suspicions were probably aroused somewhat. Even if they swallowed his story entirely, it would be only good sense to check up." Tony looked hurt. "I'm sorry you don't think my story was enough to allay their suspicions entirely. But speaking of listening for their boat, why didn't you hear this ship coming? And why didn't the fancy frogmen?"