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The Queen, whose ample undulations also reminded one of the high seas, was on his right; while in perfect gradation on her right again were four princesses in short frocks and long trousers, with plaited tails tied with blue ribbon, like the Miss Kenwigs. A little side dispute arose between the stiff old General and the Foreign Minister as to whose right it was to present us.

And, despite her short frocks and her childish face, her words held a curious accent of mature decision. "What sort of things?" "The things you are going to do, when you grow up." "I have decided, I tell you," he said stubbornly. "To be a country parson, all your days?" she queried flippantly. "To be a minister, yes. Not a country one, though." "Oh." She pondered. "What then?"

So I had not given myself much concern about what I should wear; and deemed it wholly unnecessary to provide myself with a great outfit of pilot-cloth jackets, and browsers, and Guernsey frocks, and oil-skin suits, and sea-boots, and many other things, which old seamen carry in their chests. But one reason was, that I did not have the money to buy them with, even if I had wanted to.

The outside of the little church was decorated with banners, lanterns and flowers, while within it was so filled to overflowing with villagers, and small maidens in white frocks and pink and blue sashes, that we could scarcely get our noses within the doorway.

Austen said evenly to Peter Verelst. "But what can I do?" Peter Verelst was an old New Yorker and an old beau. Mrs. Austen had known him when she was in shorter frocks than those then in vogue. Even as a child she had been ahead of the fashion. "Do?" Verelst repeated. "Do nothing." "I am a snob," she resumed, expecting him to contradict her.

She went back to the house, bowed down by shame and confusion, and marched straight to the dowager's morning-room. 'Look what the terriers have done to me, grandmother, she said, with a sob. 'It is all my own fault, of course. I ought not to have gone near them in that stupid muslin. Please forgive me for being so foolish. I am not fit to have pretty frocks.

Kate agreed to everything. In a weak and toneless voice she kept on telling them to do as they thought hest. Only when she heard that Pete was to pay did she assert her will, and that was to limit the dresses to one. "Sakes alive now, Kirry," cried Nancy, "that's what I call ruining a good husband the man was willing to buy frocks for a boarding-school."

This evening another brother brought a clothes' horse, three frocks, four pinafores, six handkerchiefs, three counterpanes, one blanket, two pewter salt cellars, six tin cups, and six metal tea spoons; he also brought 3s. 6d. given to him by three different individuals. At the same time he told me that it had been put into the heart of an individual to send tomorrow 100l. December 18.

"I don't know any such thing, Jane you are always at work." "Oh, yes, stitching your shirt-bosoms in plaits so fine that nobody can see them; ruffling Isabel's pantalets, and knitting lace to trim morning-gowns and frocks but what does that amount to?" "Why, nothing, only you and Isabel always look so pretty and lady-like with these things."

You've come from a pretty little country town where every one was fairly comfortable and fairly prosperous. You've always been a part of a community where people went to church and prayer-meeting and Sunday-school. Your neighbours loved each other, and played Pollyanna when things went wrong. And you wore white frocks and blue sashes whenever there was a lawn party or a sociable."