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You 'cept a word of frien'ship an' warnin' f'um somebody dat's been kicked by more mules 'en whut you ever seen in yore whole life, an' you let dat Frank mule stay right whar he is. You kin have yore choice of de Maud mule or de Maggie mule or Friday or January Thaw; but my edvice to you is, jes' leave dat Frank mule be an' don't pester him none." "How come?" demanded Red Hoss.

'No ill-feelin's way o' frien'ship, said the husky champion; and he made his curious salutation again, and went shuffling off with his keepers, who had the airs of sorely ill-used citizens. 'Well, gasped Jim, 'if this is what a man brings down on himself by waging a casual battle in his own defence, I'll be careful to keep out of fights in the future.

We'll hae some place or ither to put him intil, gin it suld be only a shak'-doon upo' the flure. 'Na, na. There's the schuilin' what's to be dune wi' that? 'Deed, mem, ye maun jist come for the sake o' the auld frien'ship atween the faimilies. 'Weel, gin it maun be sae, it maun be sae, yielded Mrs. Falconer, with a sigh. She had not left her own house for a single night for ten years.

"Oh, tha's settled," announced Jeff soothingly. "Who settled it?" "Me." "You?" "Yas, me out of pyure frien'ship fur you. Lissen, Brother Lovin', an' give due heed. I comes to you d'rect frum Gumbo Rollins. He's done seen the error of the way he acked tow'ds you that time. He's cravin' that all the grudges of the bygone past shall be disremembered.

She has been with us a long time an' has done much good work for our people, an' we'll never forget her work an' frien'ship. But, after all, she has been paid for it; she has got her salary regularly an' for a long time, an' she has probably saved somethin', for we all know she hasn't lived high; an', for all we know, she may have had somethin' left her by her parents.

An' this from a lad who ain't got a thing to expect from me an' ain't had as much as he's a-givin' me, either an' knows it. But that's nothin' else but Simon pure frien'ship, I take it. An' Gus, here, him an' Bill, they think about alike; eh, Gus?"