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'I've just naturally got to the stopping-point. And it's the same with me. I've done my sewing and haven't fretted over it, though when I think of the millions and millions of stitches I've taken in twenty years, I wonder I haven't turned into a sewing-machine. But I've got to the stopping-point now. It's more'n likely I'll buy my own clothes ready-made, after this."

"Can it be," I fretted aloud, "that Joe's racing round looking for an Episcopalian preacher, when there was a Methodist at hand?" "I'm sure he wouldn't bring anything but a Church of England priest," Mrs. Ball assured me, loftily. "Why, Miss Ellersly wouldn't think she was married, if she hadn't a priest of her own church." My temper got the bit in its teeth.

It was another case of through the wall, first one boot, bang! then another boot, smash! only there were no holes for the boots to come through. And then it was profanity! For a small man he had a great deal of energy, eh, eh! that shrimp photographer! I called him a shrimp when he came bouncing in here." "Well, well?" fretted Coquenil. "Then we got acquainted.

If the tavern had any proprietor, he combined farming with tavern keeping. His hay and wheat fields came close to the garden, and his corn stood rank on rank up the hills. "They must be all asleep in there," fretted Grandma Padgett. The woman with her arms over the half door had not stirred. "Shall I run in?" said Bobaday. "Yes, and ask if Zene stopped here. I don't see a sign of the wagon."

He must not be suffered to linger thus; we must contrive some method of relieving and assisting him, whether he will consent or not." "I fear that will not be possible. One of his friends has already found him out, and has written him the kindest letter! but he would not answer it, and would not see him, and was only fretted and angry."

To be deliberately cruel to an animal, no matter how great the provocation, was unlike Craven; she felt convinced that Mouston was not the primary cause of his irritability. Something must have occurred previously to disturb him the business, perhaps, for which he had waited in London, and, seeking her, the scene he had surprised had grated on fretted nerves.

The white gate at the end of the Long Walk was wide open, and I rode up the empty town through the first gate of the feudal tower; and now St. George's Chapel, with its blackened fretted sides, was right before me.

Could this be real? Indeed, was it right for her to do this? Tunis She arose and walked to the open door, looking out almost blindly at first upon the gale-smitten sea. It was like her heart so tossed about and fretted by winds of opinion. What should she do? Which way should she turn? Not to save Sheila Macklin from trouble or disgrace. Not even to save Tunis from possible scorn.

From dawn to dark, from dark to early dawn, he toiled and planned and fretted, organizing and reorganizing, projecting and devising. The trunks were lettered, A, B, and C, the packages and smaller bundles numbered. Each member of the family had his especial duty to perform, his particular bundles to oversee.

Lady Constance had exhausted every means of procuring the desired information concerning the strange beauty in her kinsman's castle; and she became fretted and annoyed and was about to give up all hope, when she came suddenly upon the object of her search in the corridor; and the beauteous maid, grey-gowned and sandal-shoon, flitted by without deigning so much as a look.