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Along the streets of New Haven the five freshmen ran, and those who observed them supposed they were some crew in training. Merriwell set a moderate pace, for he knew it was likely they would need all their wind on the return. There was no telling what sort of a scrape they might get into. Rattleton was behind, taking things as easy as possible.

"Saturday's work, and some other things, show us that Dick & Co. are going to be heard from a whole lot in the athletics of future years at this school," Ben told Dick at recess Monday morning. "Whew! But I'm sorry I'm not going to be here to watch the progress of you freshmen!"

Betty waited until after dinner that evening for a chance to see her alone and then, unable to stand the suspense any longer, broke abruptly away from her own friends and detached Georgia from a group of tired and disconsolate freshmen sympathizing over examinations. "Let's go for a walk all by ourselves," she said. "No fair, running off to talk secrets," Madeline called after the pair.

Young Prescott and his chums were bound to be "different," even as freshmen; so, without being in the least "fresh," they managed to make their influence felt in Gridley High School during their first year there.

It was natural that at the seat of a big university there should be girls like that, with students dangling after them, but she didn't want Verena to be one of them. There were some that received the Seniors and Juniors; others that were accessible to Sophomores and Freshmen.

Now that the ball was in their hands the sophomores proceeded to show their friends and opponents a few things about playing. They had the advantage and they kept it. Try as the freshmen might, they could not score. The first unlucky error on the part of Helen Thornton had seemed to turn the tide against them.

"Got a carriage at the Sanderson place," answered Sam with a grin. "You did!" cried Flockley. "Say, you're a fresh lot, aren't you?" he went on, glaring at Dick and Sam. "Where's the third chap?" "None of your business," answered Dick sharply. "Don't you talk to me like that!" cried Dudd Flockley, and then his face took on a look of cunning. "Freshmen, eh? Then you don't know what we are.

With cries of amazement the alarmed sophomores broke and scattered before the oncoming freshmen. Crash! The timber struck the gate, bursting it open instantly, and the triumphant freshmen swarmed into the park, cheering wildly. "Hurrah for 'Umpty-eight!" yelled Bandy Robinson, turning a handspring. "We are the boys to do 'em!"

"Georgia Ames," broke in her roommate severely, "I should like to see you excited for once. Don't you know the difference between going stand-up with a lot of other freshmen, and sitting in a box with Miss Wales and two Yale men?" "Of course I know the difference," said Georgia, smiling good-naturedly. "Didn't I say that I'd go in the box?

"You mucker," he hissed, "I suppose you feel swelled up over having had a chance to fight gentleman. You " "Oh, Ripley, dry up -do!" interjected Ted Butler. "You call yourself a gentleman, but you talk and act more like well, more like a pup with the mange!" "A pup with the mange! Great!" came the gleeful chorus from a half score of freshmen. "I'm not through with you, yet, Prescott!"