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"And we might each pay five cents to sew for the fresh-air children," suggested Mildred. "Yes, all charity sewing classes have a fund," Mrs. Bobbsey remarked. "That would be a good idea." "Now let us fold up the aprons," said Nan. "Don't they look pretty?" And indeed the half-dozen blue-and-white ginghams did look very nice, for they were carefully made and all smooth and even.

Rainham held pronounced views on the subject of what she termed the "fresh-air fad," and declined to let London air a smoky commodity at best attack her cherished carpets; with the result that Cecilia breathed freely only in her little attic, which had no carpet at all.

The evening had been spent in telling stories, the fresh-air passengers crowding the doorways to listen, the habitual loungers and card-players abandoning their books and games.

"Josephus resented these missiles, however, and his foolish habit of sitting on the low side fence under the ailantus tree then began. Next, I was obliged to give up growing roses, because, as you know, they are fresh-air lovers; and so much air and light was cut off by the high building that they yielded only leaves and worms.

As long as he could remember, there was scarcely a week in town but some homeless dog attached himself to Siward's heels, sometimes trotting several blocks, sometimes following him home where the outcast was always cared for, washed, fed, and ultimately shipped out to the farm, where scores of these "fresh-air" dogs resided on his bounty and rolled in luxury on his lawns.