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"My gentleman fren' says marriage is wrong," said Ella. "He knows a lot. And he has so much money" she made a wide gesture with her hands "I can have a nice place ter live, Miss Rose-Marie, an' pretty clothes. Lookit Ma; she's married an' she ain't got nothin'! I can have coats an' hats an' " Rose-Marie touched Ella's hand, timidly, with her cool fingers.

Berrah well but you no get him thing for sure. No, sah. Dem gun make nize. Berrah well. You fren hear dem nize and come look him, and you hab to go share what you done kill. Or bad man hear him nize, and he come look him, and you no fit to get share you fit to get kill yusself. Chii! chii! traps be best." I urged that the traps might also be robbed.

"They didn't, damn them!" said Rupert, with sudden passion. "And he was worth the whole lot." "Dat what make I say what I gwine ter," said Matt, with some eagerness. "What I heerd about Marse Thomas make me think he must be er mighty fine gen'leman, an' one what'd be a good fren' to anyone. An' dishyer ve'y mawnin' I heerd sump'n mo' about him." Rupert raised himself upon his elbow.

Shake hands on it, ole man by Harry! Guv'ner ought to be here glad to see you. Great fren's with the men, guv'ner labor an' capital, commun'ty 'f int'rests, an' all that hic! Funny things happen in this world, don't they, ole man? Hamilton, lemme interduce you fren' the family ole fren' the guv'ner's works in the yards. Come to spend the night wiz me, Hamilton have a hot time.

"My fren'," said Etienne, exhaling a large cloud from his cigarette and patting Ross lightly on the shoulder with a bediamonded hand which, hung limp from a yard or more of bony arm, "I see I mus' be frank with you. Firs', because we are rivals; second, because you take these matters so serious. I I am Frenchman.

You're making me lots of trouble," and Billy burst into tears and sobbed out: "Wouldn' make Recky trouble for worlds good ol' Recky half-witted ol' goat, but bes' fren' ev' had," and the address was captured. Rex turned to his cousin, his winning, deprecating manner warning Reed but softening him against his will.

But such a life was very wearing, and he was failing under it. Moreover, he was robbing himself of sleep in the early morning, that he might work on his picture in the loft of the store, for which he asked of poor Mr. Bruder nothing but ice. Mrs. Bruder worried over him continually. "You vork too hart. Vat shall we do for you? Oh, my fren, if you love us do not vork so hart," she would often say.

De Rev'end John Baird's his name, an' he's got a fren' travellin' with him as they say is like Jonathan was to David in dese yere ole Bible times. An' I heern tell ev when he rise in de pulpit de people's jest gets so worked up at what he preach to 'em dey jest cries an' rocks de benches.

Thus I've derived considerable peace and comfort from them noble edifisses, and I hope they will long continner to grace your metroplis. There's my fren Col. Larkins, from Wisconsin, who I regret to say understands the Jamaica question, and wants to talk with me about it; I sent him to the Tower four days ago, and he hasn't got throogh with it yit.

Den I jes swore rite up, Miss rite into dat Masr's face an' eyes 'I'm neber gwine to hab no more chilun, an' he says to me, 'Matt, you got to do jes as I say, an' I swear agin, an' he cuss and swear, an' then, I got sich a floggin' Miss, but I didn't keer, an' I would never done as dat man sed, an' I 'spected to die, but a New Orleans trader cum dat way, an' I was sold, and Mas'r Sumner said, de las' thing, 'You'll get killed now, Matt. 'All right, Mas'r, I sed, 'de Lord is a waitin' an' He's a good fren, too, an' off I went.