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Save as a dandy, however, and the harrier of subordinate officials, the writer of the annals of Trinidad may well pass him by. So then it may be seen what, by mere freaks of Chance the ruling deity at Downing Street the administrative experience of Trinidad had been from the departure of that true king in Israel, Sir Arthur Gordon, up to the visit of Mr. Froude.

"'Course that ain't a regular circus act," she added, somewhat mollified, "and so far she's had to dress with the 'freaks, but the next thing we know, he'll be ringin' her in on a regular stunt and be puttin' her in to dress with US." "No danger of that," sneered the blonde; "Barker is too old a stager to mix up his sheep and his goats." Polly had again lost the thread of the conversation.

"You are a nameless demon! Such hellish originality in the conception of evil, such singular indignities as you have seen fit to inflict, they are the freaks of a madman!" "Thank you," said Carl politely. "One likes to have one's little ingenuities appreciated." "I I am ill and the room is stifling." "If I do not mind it," said Carl in aggrieved surprise, "why should you?"

Hence these lines are deservedly commended: I knew my son, when first he drew his breath, Destined by fate to an untimely death; And when I sent him to defend the Greeks, War was his business, not your sportive freaks.

These, however, were freaks in which his ingenuity now and then wantoned, with scarcely any other object than to astonish and amuse. But it occasionally happened that, when he was engaged in grave and profound investigations, his wit obtained the mastery over all his other faculties, and led him into absurdities into which no dull man could possibly have fallen.

Report said that in his youth he had been wild, and some of his contemporary commanders in the service were wont to plague him by narrating divers freaks of former days, the recollection of which would create any thing but a smile upon his face.

Despotism came as a relief to the people who were thus tormented by the bloody freaks of men who were energetic only as murderers. There probably never was a more popular government than Bonaparte's Consulship, in its first days. Soon, however, the old evil renewed itself in full force.

The free show seemed to Jerry not to have much more than started when the raucous voice of the ballyhoo announced: "This, ladies and gents, concludes the free show. The main show will not begin for half an hour, thirty minutes just time enough to see the side show, the world's greatest congress of freaks and monstrosities.

In one of her mad freaks a boon-companion happened to offend her. He was a little hunch-back, and a fellow-drunkard; but without a moment's hesitation, Maggie seized him and pushed him head-foremost down the old-fashioned wide sewer of the Scotch town. Had not some one seen his heel's kicking out and rescued him, he would surley have been suffocated.

Her mind is really inclosed by the most rigid maxims of Calvinistic theology, while, within that circle, it frisks and plays in the oddest and wittiest freaks. A grave and religious earnestness is at the foundation of her individuality, and she is so assured of this fact that she can safely indulge in wilful gibes at pretension in all its most conventionally sacred forms.