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Then those gentlemen rose up; and whereas I looked in the face of the worthy notary meseemed it was as withered grass well bedewed with rain; and glad assurance beamed on me from his goodly and noble features. And I read the same promise in the looks of Uncle Christian and Master Pernhart, and where three such men led the fray methought the victory was certain.

There was a fine flareup, of course card-table overturned ladies in hysterics in the middle of the fray our gallant hero extinguishing the flames with his bare hands. He was profusely apologetic and rather badly scorched. The lady took very little harm, except to her nerves and her temper. She cut him dead for the rest of the voyage, but I don't think it depressed him much.

"Nay," said Wamba, "never think I envy thee, brother Gurth; the serf sits by the hall-fire when the freeman must forth to the field of battle And what saith Oldhelm of Malmsbury Better a fool at a feast than a wise man at a fray."

The revolvers of both lads spoke simultaneously and both Germans dropped to the floor. Jack sprang back to the door. "Stand guard there, men!" he cried. "There may be more of them." He jumped back to Frank's side again, fearing that one of the fallen men might arise and return to the fray. But these fears were groundless.

Walton's room and sewed the rent in the dress together once more, taking care not to fray the edges, lest the piece she had should not fit when it was examined again. After hanging the dress again in its place, Mona quickly finished her work in the room, then went back to the girl whom she had left sleeping in one of the adjoining chambers, and awoke her.

Against the 300,000 troops of the allies, Napoleon could use only 170,000, and of these the Saxon contingent deserted in the heat of the fray. It was by military prowess that the French Empire had been reared; its doom was sealed by the battle of Leipzig. Napoleon sacrificed on that field another 40,000 lives, besides 30,000 prisoners and a large quantity of artillery and supplies.

She meant to shatter that false face of his utterly, to blast him as with lightning . . . but the lock snapped harmlessly, for San Benavides had, indeed, borne himself gallantly in the fray. He struck at her now in a whirl of fury. She winced, but with catamount activity drew back her arm and hit him on the temple with the heavy weapon.

After Don Luys Dasmarinas had equipped two moderate-sized ships and a galliot, and collected two hundred men who chose to follow him in this enterprise to Camboja they were part of the unemployed in Manila with the necessary provisions, ammunition, and equipment on his ships; and accompanied by Fray Alonso Ximenez and Fray Aduarte of the Order of St.

I shall lose them both to-day. Lord Archibold strode along the road, To the field of the Brothers' Fray. "He came to the spot where they had fought. 'My God! he cried in fright, 'They have left him there, till his bones are bare; Through the plates they glimmer white. "For his brother's armour lay there, dank, And worn with frost and dew.

Amatus Lusitanus speaks of a drunken courtesan who was wounded in a fray with a long, sharp-pointed knife which was driven into the head. No apparent injury resulted, and death from fever took place eight years after the reception of the injury. On opening the head a large piece of knife was found between the skull and dura.