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Had he not poured out to Honora, with a charming gayety and frankness, many of his financial troubles? "I'm afraid he'll think it frightfully expensive," she answered, becoming thoughtful once more. And it did not occur to her that neither of them had mentioned the individual to whom they referred. "Wait until he's feeling tiptop," Mr. Cuthbert advised, "and then bring him up here in a hurry.

As she spoke and moved forward, he turned a little, so that now the edge of that hazel-coppice was within his eye-shot, and he deemed that once more he saw the yellow-brown evil thing crawling forth from the thicket; then, turning suddenly on the Lady, he met her eyes, and seemed in one moment of time to find a far other look in them than that of frankness and kindness; though in a flash they changed back again, and she said merrily and sweetly: "So, so, Sir Squire, now art thou awake again, and mayest for a little while look on me."

Is there anything I can do for you?" "Yes. You can give me a job." Gregory smiled at the frankness of the answer. "I might at that," he said. "Can you speak Russian or Italian?" The ex-soldier shook his head as Gregory went on: "What I need more than anything else just now is an interpreter. I have a lot of foreigners working outside cleaning up.

Not one of the four young people was capable of a deliberately unfair policy; all, with the exception of Amy, were conscious whither Nature was leading them, and she had thoughts also of which she would not speak. There was no lack of truth in the party, and yet circumstances had brought about a larger degree of reticence than of frankness.

The independence and frankness of age might not be becoming to them. They must stumble along as best they can, alternately attracting and repelling, until by right of years they join that serene company which is altogether beautiful. There is a natural unfolding and maturing to the beauty of old age.

The old man was struck dumb with astonishment. But his supposed nephew's start of terror had not been lost upon the judge, also much impressed by the straightforward frankness of Carbon Barreau.

"Their owners always want to sell, and it's mighty kind of you and your son, but well, I just couldn't settle down to be a country editor. I'd go crazy," he confessed in a sudden burst of frankness, and beaming upon Gideon; "I'd as soon be shut in jail." "Or anything else you might think of," said Gideon, cordially, "not necessarily in this town."

I become indiscrete, thanks I suppose to your Brockhurst habit of putting back the clock, and speak with truly Elizabethan frankness. It belongs to semi-barbaric ages, doesn't it, this, to tell the true truth? Show me this. It seems rather fascinating."

My sister's here, and it will be very jolly in the wood the three of us," said the Terror in his most persuasive tone. The princess hesitated, and again she looked back at the sleeping but unbeautiful baroness; then she said with a truly German frankness: "Are you well-born?" The Terror smiled a little haughtily in his turn and said slowly: "Well, from what Mrs.

Two or three insignificant facts, a hasty glance exchanged between him and the blacksmith at the Wimerra River, his unwillingness to cross towns and villages, his persistence about getting the DUNCAN summoned to the coast, the strange death of the animals entrusted to his care, and, lastly, a want of frankness in all his behavior all these details combined had awakened the Major's suspicions.