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Such a change as this would certainly have a dire effect upon her life. He thought of her frail appearance; he remembered the glimpse of her face that he had caught when her husband entered Mrs. Westlake's drawing-room, the startled movement she could not suppress. It was impossible to meet Mutimer with any show of good-feeling; he wondered how he could have set forth with such an object.

Here and there a little smooth water, an occasional rift of light through the clouds alas! only to be followed by greater darkness and the pictures cease. But no, there is still one to come. The boat is aground. Mountains of surf dash on the rocky coast, seeking to tear the frail craft to pieces.

Lor', 'tis a frail craft to be out o' harbour such foul weather!" "How is he?" I repeated, tightening my grasp upon his sleeve. "Dead as a pickled herring, poor lad!" My head struck heavily against the wall as I fell, but I made no outcry. "Sink me! but the poor lassie thought I meant Mr. Rivers!"

On these frail barks the other bank was reached and, as it was found unoccupied, the bridge was re-established without much difficulty; the road in connection with it was thereupon quickly cleared, and the eagerly-expected supplies were conveyed to the camp. Caesar's happy idea thus rescued the army from the immense peril in which it was placed.

How little I expected to have had such events to record in the course of a few days! and to witness scenes of terror, or to contemplate them in description, is as different, my dearest Matilda, as to bend over the brink, of a precipice holding by the frail tenure of a half-rotted shrub, or to admire the same precipice as represented in the landscape of Salvator.

"What an odd frail little tool, Margot!" "I made it myself," said Margot. "And now, cherie, if you don't run along to Madame Morny, Kenny will scold me." She delighted Madame Morny with her willingness to work. She delighted Kenny with her willingness to play. Nothing tired her.

Why, see her! she ain't frail on her feet; she looks ye straight in the eyes; she ain't one of your hang-down misses. Look how she behaved at the ceremony!" "Ah!" sighed Ripton. "And if you'd ha' seen her when she spoke to me about my ring! Depend upon it, my dear Mr.

"But you know, Jane," said her father, gratified to find that her suspicion took a wrong direction, "the air of Bath, he writes, is agreeing with him." "I hope it may, papa; I hope it may; but you may rest assured, that whatever happens, the lesson you have taught me, will, aided by divine support, sustain my soul, so long as the frail tenement in which it is lodged may last.

And when one sees that all religions and all ethics, even the oldest known, have, like all language and all science and all philosophy and all existing species of animals and plants, been slowly evolved from lower and ruder forms; and when one learns that there have been many Christs, and that the evidence of the life of Jesus is very slight, and that all the acts and words of Jesus had been anticipated by other teachers long before the Christian era, then it is borne in upon one's mind that the historic basis of Christianity is very frail.

As a specimen of the humanity of General Butler, let me record a threat of his uttered with all the force and meaning language can convey, and certainly enough to strike terror in the hearts of frail women, since all these men believe him fully equal to carry it into execution; some even believe it will be done. In speaking to Mr.