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"I mean, monsieur, that I have the honor to be employed at the royal library, but that for six years I have received no salary." "And how much do your arrears amount to?" "Monsieur, I must have a pen and ink to calculate exactly." "Oh, but something near the mark calculate from memory." "To five thousand three hundred and odd francs, besides the fractions of sous and deniers."

For the first time in her life Marjorie West had been "kept in." And that "Lucy" book hidden in her desk was the cause of it; she had taken it out for just one delicious moment, and the moment had extended itself into an hour and a half, and the spelling lesson was unlearned and the three hard examples in complex fractions unworked. She had not been ignorant of what the penalty would be. Mr.

He has to take up Vulgar Fractions which, of course, none of our High Seas Command were asked to learn. But Uncle Henry is stooping to them. So now, I think, everything will go well. Uncle's art has failed.

It burned, it was too large; it bruised his ribs; and there were infinitesimal fractions of a second in which he had half a mind to throw it from the window. While he was thus lying, a strange incident took place. The sliding-door into the lavatory stirred a little, and then a little more, and was finally drawn back for the space of about twenty inches.

She, with all her intelligence, did not seem to realise that matrimony is not an affair of rules and regulations, of aphorisms and epigrams, nor that the lines on which husband and wife shall conduct themselves to a happy ending can be settled by a study of vulgar fractions. Anyhow, the plunge was at last taken with some not unnatural trepidation on the part of the twenty-three-year-old bride.

I learned to read in this manner, and took up arithmetic, which was rather difficult, but I studied hard evenings and made good progress, until I came to vulgar fractions. Remembering mother's dislike of anything unrefined, however, I closed the book and did not dare to go on. I fared very well, for the janitor's wife sent me bread and milk, and occasionally bits of fish and meat.

As a child formulates his conception of a verb, or words the characteristic essentials of the lily-family, or frames the rule for addition of fractions or the action of a base on a metal, he is concerned primarily with the form of the reasoning process known as induction.

Mahomet's followers found the Koran lying all in fractions, as it had been written down at first promulgation; much of it, they say, on shoulder-blades of mutton, flung pell-mell into a chest: and they published it, without any discoverable order as to time or otherwise; merely trying, as would seem, and this not very strictly, to put the longest chapters first.

It were more suitable than among the other faction." "Is fashion, then, faction, in New-York?" inquired Sir George. "Fractions would be a better word, perhaps. But we have parties in almost every thing, in America; in politics, religion, temperance, speculations, and taste; why not in fashion?" "I fear we are not quite independent enough to form parties on such a subject," said Eve.

Carbon 45 Hydrogen 6 Oxygen 49 100 I give you the calculation in round numbers, so as not to burden your memory with fractions; and I will do the same with the other sums I shall have to go through to-day, this being, let me tell you, an arithmetical day. Besides, I could scarcely take upon myself to warrant the absolute correctness of those very precise fractions people sometimes go into.