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Flying Visits Via Projection "Well, what to do?" asked Seaton as he and Rovol entered the laboratory, "Tear down this fourth-order projector and tackle the big job? I see the lens is here, on schedule, so we can hop right into it." "We shall have further use for this mechanism. We shall need at least one more lens of this dense material, and other scientists also may have need of one or two.

It's too deep for me!" said Seaton. "Its theory is abstruse, and I cannot explain it to you any more fully than I have, until after we have given you a knowledge of the fourth and fifth orders. Pure fourth-order material would be without weight and without mass; but these crystals as they are found are not absolutely pure.

What is called the fourth-order particle is absolutely unknown, since nobody has been able to detect it, to say nothing of determining its velocity or other properties. It has been assumed to have the velocity of light only because that hypothesis does not conflict with observational data.

Electricity, protelectricity, and fourth-order rays, under millions upon millions of kilovolts of pressure, leaped to do the bidding of that wonderful brain, stored with the accumulated knowledge of countless thousands of years of scientific research.

That is, these fourth-order rays and particles seem to partake of the nature of both energy and matter. Following me?" "Right behind you," she assured him. She had been listening intently, her wide-spaced brown eyes fastened upon his face.

You might call this faidon crystallized ether without being far wrong." "But it should weigh tons, and it is hardly heavier than air or no, wait a minute. Gravitation is also a fourth-order phenomenon, so it might not weigh anything at all but it would have terrific mass or would it, not having protons? Crystallized ether would displace fluid ether, so it might I'll give up!

"It is undoubtedly generating fourth-order rays, but nothing can interfere with us, since we are controlling every component of our beam from Norlamin."