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I have fou't at his side in many a bloody scrimmage; and so long as I could hear the crack of his piece in one ear, and that of the Sagamore in the other, I knew no enemy was on my back.

"Oh, Peter!" said he, "you be a man, Peter! I've fou't ah! many 's the time, an' no man ever knocked me down afore. Oh, Peter! I I could love 'ee for it if I didn't hate the very sight of 'ee come on, an' let's get it over an' done wi'." So once again fists were clenched and jaws set once again came the trampling of feet, the hiss of breath, and the thudding shock of blows given and taken.

I've never fou't unless in the way of tradition; but it seems to me we might beat off twenty Mingos, with palisades like them afore us." "Ay, ay; you 've never fought except in traditions, that's plain enough, young man! Did you ever see as broad a sheet of water as this above us, before you came in upon it with Hurry?" "I can't say that I ever did," Deerslayer answered, modestly.

ANCIENT. Leapin' in the air, rollin' in the grass, wi' they keepers clingin' to 'im like leeches ah! leeches SIMON. And every time they rushed, tap 'ud go 'is "left," and bang 'ud go 'is "right" ANCIENT. An' up 'e'd get, like Samson again, Peter, an' give 'isself a shake; bellerin' like a bull o' Bashan SIMON. Ye see, they fou't so close together that the keepers was afear'd to use their guns

I remember to have fou't the Maquas, hereaways, in the first war in which I ever drew blood from man; and we threw up a work of blocks, to keep the ravenous varmints from handling our scalps. If my marks do not fail me, we shall find the place a few rods farther to our left."

"In your wish to take care of us -of Hetty of me, perhaps, you've fought the enemy bravely, with no eye to encourage your deeds, or to witness your fall, had it pleased Providence to suffer so great a calamity!" "I've fou't, Judith; yes, I have fou't the inimy, and that too, for the first time in my life. These things must be, and they bring with 'em a mixed feelin' of sorrow and triumph.

"I fou't my last battle, as I hope, under his orders," returned the trapper, a gleam of sunshine shooting from his dim eyes, as if the event was recollected with pleasure, and then a sudden shade of sorrow succeeding, as though he felt a secret admonition against dwelling on the violent scenes in which he had so often been an actor.

"A chief!" demanded the other with startling vehemence. "Nay, that's more than I know, or can say. He was artful, and treacherous, and stout-hearted, and may well have gained popularity enough with his people to be named to that rank. The man fou't well, though his eye was'n't quick enough for one who had had his schooling in your company, Delaware." "My brother and friend struck the body?"

I have fell in with the inimy, and I suppose it may be said I've fou't them, too." An exclamation of delight and exultation escaped the Indian, and then laying his hand eagerly on the arm of his friend, he asked if there were any scalps taken. "That I will maintain in the face of all the Delaware tribe, old Tamenund, and your own father the great Uncas, as well as the rest, is ag'in white gifts!

He was your son, and a redskin by nature; and it may be that your blood was nearer but if ever I forget the lad who has so often fou't at my side in war, and slept at my side in peace, may He who made us all, whatever may be our color or our gifts, forget me! The boy has left us for a time; but, Sagamore, you are not alone."