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"Yes; and you will observe that these fossil fishes have no identity with any living species. To have in one's possession a living specimen is a happy event for a naturalist." "But to what family does it belong?" "It is of the order of ganoids, of the family of the cephalaspidae; and a species of pterichthys.

Theological controversy has also been rife, stirred up by the "Essays and Reviews," of which you have no doubt heard much. For myself, I have been busy preparing, in conjunction with Huxley, another decade of fossil fishes, all from the old red of Scotland. . .Enniskillen is quite well. He is now at Lyme Regis. . .

This fossil, which is the cast of a piece of a plant, puzzled those who found it for a very long time. At last, however, Mr.

We can follow him now in his wanderings through the rivers and lakes and on the edges of the forests; we open his simple mounds of burial, and study his barbarian tools and ornaments; we discover that he knew nothing of metals, and that bone and flint and amber and coal were his materials; we trace out his remarkable defences and huts built on piles in the various lakes of Europe, where the simple savage could escape the few gigantic "fossil" animals which even then survived, and roved through the forests of Prussia and France, or the still more terrible human enemies who were continually pouring into Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland from the Asiatic plains.

First, he should examine the fossil remains of the ichthyosauri, or fish lizards, ranged in the first three wall cases, particularly that eighteen feet in length, deposited in the third case, one on the upper shelf of the fourth case, and another on the upper shelf of the fifth case.

You may see in the galleries of the Museum up stairs specimens of limestones in which such fossil remains of existing animals are imbedded. There are some specimens in which turtles' eggs have been imbedded in calcareous sand, and before the sun had hatched the young turtles, they became covered over with calcareous mud, and thus have been preserved and fossilized.

These modern rationalizing methods have made but a slight impression on the vast complex of the fossil plants and animals, affecting the names of only a few of the larger and better known forms. In the realm of invertebrate palæontology, however, the "splitters" are still holding high carnival, in spite of the efforts of some very prominent scientists in the opposite direction.

"I shall blame them if they commit any act of disrespect," said the captain, decidedly. "I hope you will say what you can forward to keep the fellows from doing anything that would hurt Mr. Hamblin's feelings." "What can I do? The old fossil doesn't treat the students like gentlemen; and if he behaves so, what can you expect of the fellows? He is cross, crabbed, and tyrannical."

The British possession of Labuan, off the island of Borneo, is rich in a coal of tertiary age, remarkable for the quantity of fossil resin which, it contains. Coal is also found in Sumatra, and in the Malayan Archipelago. In Cape Colony and Natal the coal-bearing Karoo beds are probably of New Red age. The coal is reported to be excellent in quantity.

In the travertine are many fossil plants, all Recent except two, an oak and poplar, the leaves of which Professor Heer has not been able to identify with any known species.