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Although it was yet only noon, Dick did not go out again with his brush. He felt that it was time to retire from business. He would leave his share of the public patronage to other boys less fortunate than himself. That evening Dick and Fosdick had a long conversation.

Fosdick is too much concerned with her daughter's health to write just now, but she joins me in sympathetic regards. Captain Zelotes took Mrs. Fosdick's sympathy with a grain of salt. When he showed this letter to his wife he, for the first time, told her of the engagement, explaining that his previous silence had been due to Albert's request that the affair be kept a secret for the present.

Here!" he said, to a man that was passing by, "jist read this yer, won't you! This yer gal won't believe me, when I tell her what 't is." "Why, it's a bill of sale, signed by John Fosdick," said the man, "making over to you the girl Lucy and her child. It's all straight enough, for aught I see."

Although entirely separate in their work one dealing entirely with the men in the army, the other with those in the navy camps the same authority on organized humanitarian effort, Raymond B. Fosdick of New York City, one of the original group with whom the plan originated, was chosen chairman of both. Each commission's work was divided among departments or subcommissions.

Fosdick, so rumor said, was not strong and her doctors had decided that the sea air did not agree with her. "Crimustee!" exclaimed Issachar, as he imparted the news to Mr. Keeler, "if that ain't the worst.

This is the way it happened. As Dick, with a balance of more than a hundred dollars in the savings bank, might fairly consider himself a young man of property, he thought himself justified in occasionally taking a half holiday from business, and going on an excursion. On Wednesday afternoon Henry Fosdick was sent by his employer on an errand to that part of Brooklyn near Greenwood Cemetery.

But here is your friend Fosdick." "How are you, Fosdick?" hailed Dick from his cell. "I'm holdin' a little levee down here. Did you receive my card of invitation?" "I've been uneasy all the afternoon, Dick," said Fosdick. "Ever since I heard that you were here, I've been longing to come and see you." "Then you aint ashamed of me, even if I am in the station-house?"

A week later: Mr. Fletcher Fosdick's new residence is beginning building, the foundation being pretty near laid. And the following week: The Fosdick mansion is growing fast. South Harniss may well be proud of its new ornament.

She had grown handsomer than ever during the winter months. Albert's eyes were shining also as he impulsively seized her hand. "Thank you, Miss Fosdick," he said. "You have helped me more than I can tell you. I was about to give up in despair before you came, and now now I KNOW I shall write the best thing I have ever done. And you will be responsible for it." She caught her breath.

Fosdick had been, besides, a subscriber to the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library, which contains many thousands of well-selected and instructive books. Thus Henry had acquired an amount of general information, unusual in a boy of his age. Perhaps he had devoted too much time to study, for he was not naturally robust.